
Goatboy's Grimdark Army List: Blood Angel's “Triple Jump Death Company”

Goatboy is here with a Blood Angels Death Company list that is dying to get their space vampire fingers on you!

Today I want to talk about the first army list I'm trying to get going with the new Codex: Blood Angels. I was able to get hold of some of the two new characters coming out in the new Blood Angels box this week and it got me thinking – what can I do with them? I have an idea to build three Bully units and then cram as many Dreadnoughts into them as possible and make a real Goatboy list full of space vampire nonsense. I also have another nefarious Blood Angels list idea but let's wait until the real points come out so I can see how many things I can cram into this army.

I was able to find an Astorath and a Lemartes, meaning I can create two “Jump Death Company” units, build up my Dante model, and then see how many BA Dreadnoughts I can fit into the army. I love the idea of ​​triple bully jump units that can easily hop across the table and quickly pounce on the enemy when needed.

We will be using the currently printed points from Codex: Blood Angels for now – again, this may change as we get new points this weekend. I will update the list as needed. Here are the key units the army list is based on:

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs – X 10
Eviserators X 2
Powerfist X 1
Inferno Pistol/Power Fist x 2
Points: 230

Bloodthirsty Guardian X 6
Inferno Pistol
Points: 300

As you can see, with 3 units of these connected by their special characters, this should give me a good punch. I'm hoping to lose points on some of these, but let's put it all together and see what fits.

Planning the Blood Angels list…

Mephiston – 125 points

Lemartes – 100 points

Astorath – 105 points

Commander Dante – 130 points

-No battle line-
Death Company with Jump Packs x 10 – Eviserator x 2, Powerfist, Powerfist/Inferno Pistol x 2 – 230 points

Death Company with Jump Packs x 10 – Eviserator x 2, Powerfist, Powerfist/Inferno Pistol x 2 – 230 points

Sanguinary Guard X 6 – Inferno Pistol – 300 points

That's 1220 points, which leaves me with 780 to get Dreadnoughts. I expect the normal Marine points to stay the same, but I would like some from the Death Company. I don't know if those points are worth it, so we'll just go with what works.

Ballistus Dreadnought – 140 points
Ballistus Dreadnought – 140 points

Brutalis Dreadnought – 160 points
Brutalis Dreadnought – 160 points

-Little things-

That currently puts me at 180 points and I think I need some tricks to help with some tricky missions. Some options to push enemies back a bit, give them the ability to move up and down and just be a nuisance. As I'm looking through my pile of nonsense, a thought occurs to me – I should bring some of the new Marine Scouts along.

Scouts X 5 – 65 points
Scouts X 5 – 65 points

That leaves me with 50 points, which isn't too bad, and if we get more points, maybe I can pack something else into this mess. Let me break it all down so you can see it and understand the nonsense I'm about to do.

Blood Angel’s “Triple Jump Death Company”

Goatboy Blood Angels V.1 – Liberator Assault Group


Commander Dante – 130 points

Mephiston – 125 points

Lemartes – 100 points

Astorath – 105 points

-No battle line-

Death Company with Jump Packs x 10 – Eviserator x 2, Powerfist, Powerfist/Inferno Pistol x 2 – 230 points
Death Company with Jump Packs x 10 – Eviserator x 2, Powerfist, Powerfist/Inferno Pistol x 2 – 230 points

Sanguinary Guard X 6 – Inferno Pistol – 300 points

Scouts X 5 – 65 points
Scouts X 5 – 65 points

Ballistus Dreadnought – 140 points
Ballistus Dreadnought – 140 points

Brutalis Dreadnought – 160 points
Brutalis Dreadnought – 160 points

Points: 1950

Tactics of the Blood Angels' Triple Jump Death Company

Using the list is pretty straightforward. It packs enough bodies, some long range firepower, movement tricks and damage potential into three Bully units and two Bully Dreadnoughts. You have plenty of options for brute force, backed up by high mobility and double units to deal with casualties. Will it work? Who knows? It will be a few months before we get a chance to actually play the new Blood Angels at an event while we wait for new models to arrive, be built and painted.

For Sanguinius!


Thomas Reidy, aka Goatboy, the eternally evil member of BoLS. I make art, play 40k, and even paint a lot. I've been playing Warhammer 40K since the 1990s and have won several national events including Adepticon and GW GTs. I've been writing for BoLS for 15 years. Check out my Instagram to see what I'm working on – or what I'm working on for someone. I'm always doing something related to my hobby.