
It is the ritual of ideal abundance, which takes place from the 13th to the 13.13

The 13th Viernestag is an indescribable day for many cultures around the worldespecially for the Catholics, Christians, Apostles and Romans. The rites that I have presented in the most popular traditions are a fundamental channel to receive the bad energy that one can afford. I have come into contact with you Ritual of ideal abundance to do it from the 13th to the 13.13

Los rituales en fournes 13 son Essentials to neutralize bad energy tied to this day. Through their work they have shown themselves to be positive, protected the context and achieved a good result. Use elements such as letters, notes and affirmations to expand and extend the vibration density.

This superstition originated on the last night of Jesus Christ when 13 people were involved and the traitor Judas Iscariot was on the number 13. Also, the crucifixion of Christ occurred on a fourteenth and it was renewed on the 13th day like a negative and hidden day. On the other hand, the number 13 is so popular as an unlucky number in different societies but in the Christian belief it is related to the traizion and sacrifice on time. This is afflicted by disasters and calamities that are affected by the disaster.


It is the ritual of abundance, which is carried out from Viernes 13 to 13:13

If you want to change the vibration on this day, it is very easy Ritual of protection and abundance according to 13:13 of Viernes 13. Para hacerlo, sigue estos pasos:

  • Prepare a Small altar with a green meadowa citrine and a gold coin.
  • Finally the money and the money in your hand Meanwhile, he repeats boldly and optimistically: “On this day and in this hour of change, sickness turns into abundance. Energy flows and prosperity comes to me.”
  • The coin is located in the altar center and now that the wind blows, keep the coin and your bill as an amulet of good luck.