
Open-air drug market in the South Bronx catches attention of Rep. Ritchie Torres

Assemblyman Ritchie Torres is calling on the city to take immediate action against an open-air drug market on East 149th Street in the South Bronx, where drug use and trafficking are widespread in broad daylight.

Luis Garcia, who often hangs out on 149th Street, described a scene he once saw.

“There were 11 people sitting at the end of the sidewalk injecting heroin on the street, and the kids had to go back to school,” he says.

Renee Jones, who describes herself as a drug user, expressed a desire for support rather than condemnation.

“We just need some help, mentally, physically and emotionally,” she said.

Groups like Samaritan Daytop Village provide social assistance and distribute food and supplies in known drug areas.

Representative Torres calls for multi-agency action.

“When I saw drug users injecting themselves in front of children, I said, 'Enough is enough,'” Torres said. “We are creating dangerous conditions that are endangering the public health of the Bronx.”

A City Hall spokesperson responded: “Our administration is fully focused on keeping New Yorkers safe, and we can balance quality of life with security and access to services. We recognize the concerns raised by Congressman Torres in his letter and look forward to working with him to ensure a safe and livable city for New Yorkers.”