
Miami Beach homeowners association takes legal action against residents after gun incident and erratic behavior

CBS News Miami


MIAMI – A Miami Beach apartment complex is fighting to keep the man who pointed the finger at it his rifle from his balcony from his house.

Residents in the area say they would not feel safe if Kelvin Veras was allowed back onto the property. The management of the housing complex and the police went to a civil court on Friday to prevent him from entering the property.

As CBS News Miami first reported, the Miami Beach SWAT team surrounded the Mirador condo on Friday, September 6.

Veras was seen being led away in handcuffs after aiming his rifle at him from his balcony.

The housing authorities' lawyers also presented the court with a photo showing Veras with a gun in front of the building just a few days before the incident.

Police officials and the community's administration said Veras had been terrorizing her community for weeks.

“We learned a week earlier that the defendant had made the same gesture by pointing the assault rifle over the balcony. However, this incident was not reported,” an officer testified.

According to police, Veras suffered a mental breakdown while pointing guns at neighbors and strangers in a residential area. The judge and attorneys also mentioned social media posts by Veras in which he supported the 9/11 terrorists.

The condominium manager said he feared for everyone's safety.

“He was ready to do something, either commit suicide or hurt someone,” the property manager said in court.

Police said a crisis team assessed the situation and took Veras for a psychiatric evaluation. The judge ruled that Veras cannot re-enter the property. No charges have been filed against Veras and he is currently in Mt. Siani Hospital.