
Justice for the Uhuru 3! — Fight Back! News

On September 12, 2024, three leaders of the African Peoples' Socialist Party (APSP) and the Uhuru Movement were convicted of conspiracy to act “without prior notification as agents of the Russian government in the United States.” The charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. The jury acquitted them of already acting as unregistered foreign agents.

The three Uhuru leaders convicted are Omali Yeshitela, Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel. Augustus Romain Jr., a former leader of the APSP, was also charged and convicted. We, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, strongly condemn this verdict and consider it a grave injustice and attack on our social movements.

During the trial in Tampa, Florida, the prosecution cited their organization's statements condemning the US-Russian war in Ukraine, a United Nations petition condemning the genocide of Africans, international travel and protests as examples of an alleged conspiracy. It is clear to us that the African Peoples' Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement were targeted because of their political views.

The entire process – from the FBI raids to the convictions – is an attack on our right to criticize the projects of US imperialism, US wars, coups, interventions, and the US-backed Israeli genocide currently taking place in Gaza. The case is set to set a precedent for the criminalization of free speech, and any international expression of solidarity or communication with activists in other countries could put anti-war organizations in the crossfire in the future.

The APSP and the Uhuru Movement are organisations led by black socialists. They were convicted by a jury that did not include a single black candidate. At one point, the judge had to appoint a replacement due to the absence of a juror. The defence argued for a black replacement juror, but the judge refused.

This attack on the African Peoples' Socialist Party and the Uhuru movement is an attack on all of us. The Freedom Road Socialist Organization will join all efforts to achieve justice. It should not be a crime to show solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world or to criticize the US government's war drum. This trial was not the first witch hunt against the anti-war movement, nor will it be the last. We will fight to defend our social movements.

Justice for Uhuru 3!

Revoke the verdict!

Solidarity is not a crime!

#InJusticeSystem #Political repression #Uhuru3 #APSP