
Importance of video marketing for customer loyalty and ROI

The importance of video marketing for customer engagement and brand awareness is unmatched today. 90% of all businesses use video as part of their overall digital marketing strategy. Most consumers today prefer to learn about a brand through video. Video is now ubiquitous. When you search for something on Google, you will get at least one video result. Scroll through your social media feed and you are constantly directed to video content of all kinds.

There's no better strategy for educating, generating leads, and converting customers than video marketing. And video production is less expensive and easier than ever. Today, you can even shoot high-quality 4K video with your smartphone. But between strategy, equipment, and editing software, video marketing is still pretty complicated.

Video in digital marketing

As the technology to create high-quality video becomes easier, it's become increasingly popular among marketers. But that's not the only reason why video is the dominant form of communication today.

First, there was the rise of smartphone technology, which made watching videos easier and more convenient. Then, the pandemic increased online media consumption in the U.S. by 215%.

Reasons for video marketing

Currently, video is the king of content.

To keep your brand relevant and memorable, you need to be an active player in video marketing.


As a marketer, you want your message to reach as many people as possible. How do you ensure this? By using digital marketing tools that appeal to your target audience. One such tool is video.

Increased SBeer

Converting traffic is important for the brand. Customers today are more careful with their hard-earned money and are increasingly selective in their purchases.

A brand needs to prove itself and what better way to do this than using videos as a digital marketing tool.

Yes, that's video marketing. Imagine, a whopping 92% of marketers in 2023 report a higher return on investment from video content. Additional supporting video marketing is a must in your marketing toolkit.

VIdeas Beast Search engine optimization

Incorporating video into digital marketing is a good strategy because it helps improve SEO efforts. Search engines like Google consider content with videos to be more engaging and valuable to users, so they are more likely to rank your website higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

In addition, videos increase the time users spend on the website. This can be up to twice as long with videos! And that's what search engines want! This increases the overall SEO performance of the website.

Engagement in social media

You can use social media to promote your brand.

But to get likes and shares, you need to fill your page with content that resonates with your target audience. And videos can help you do just that!

About 66% of social media users prefer to engage with content that includes short videos.

To get the most out of your social media platforms, you should include videos!

EMovement Cconnect

The most important factor in any purchase decision is emotion, so combining facial expressions, movements and even colors in videos will help users connect with your brand more easily. This is an evolutionary trait.

So, if you craft your videos carefully and tap into these innate human instincts, you will trigger the response you want: purchasing your products or services.

Benefits of video marketing

For brands that want to stand out, ignoring video marketing is no longer an option. Let's look at some of the biggest benefits of video marketing.

Epromotes sharing on social networks

Videos are the second most popular content type on social media when it comes to increasing engagement. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have always been all about videos. Now, platforms like Instagram and Face8 4book are focusing on videos.

Even platforms that don’t offer native video uploads emphasize the value of video marketing.

Appring for Mobile users

Mobile users are a driving force in video consumption. According to a study by Statista, 77% of respondents use a smartphone or tablet to watch online videos. Everyone has done it. Lying down in bed and scrolling through videos is both easy and satisfying.

Building trust

The advantage of video marketing lies in its importance for building trust.

Onboarding videos, knowledge-based videos, meet the team videos, support video calls, and customer stories are just a few examples of how videos can help provide more comprehensive and personalized customer support.

According to HubSpot Research, consumers and customers prefer low-quality, “authentic” videos over high-quality videos that seem artificial and inauthentic. This is one reason why influencer marketing has grown from $9.7 billion in 2020 to an estimated $24 billion in 2024.

Video marketing strategies

Sentence Goals and strategy

Before you start creating a video, you should set a marketing strategy or goal because every decision you make during video creation points to the purpose and what action is expected from the audience after watching the video.

Without a clear goal, you can find yourself in a whirlwind of reshoots, redirects, and edits, which takes up a lot of valuable time, so start the process with a clear strategy.

Supply Target group

The popularity of video and user-generated video content means you need to target a specific audience with each video. If you don't already have strong buyer personas, start creating them now. If you already have a set of buyer personas, be sure to update your personas to include the latest video research.

Consider what your goal is. Whether it's increasing brand awareness among potential customers or running a direct ad to leads.

Budget and timeframe

Although video in digital marketing requires fewer resources to be successful, it can still be a time-consuming and expensive process. Planning and project management can save time and money.

Create a clear timeline for each step of the process and plan for occasional delays. Even a small video production relies on the skills of many different people, so you want to make sure you can deliver your video on time, even if unexpected challenges and changes arise.

Chooseright platform

Before creating a video, think about which platform you want to broadcast the video on. YouTube SEO is becoming more important than website SEO. Think about what people are looking for on that platform. Also consider average watch time, size, budget and advertising.

Some platforms have built-in advertising tools, while others require you to invest some time and effort to get more exposure to your video content.

Communicatethrough News

It's important to convey a message with your videos. Get inspiration from examples of marketing videos. Aligning your video messages with the flywheel is also a good marketing strategy.

Decide which metrics you want to track and how you will measure success.

Before you start production, you need to define your video goals and find the best metrics to help you determine whether you've achieved those goals.

You can use the standard metrics available on your platform of choice. Having several key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your video goals is also a great help. This list of metrics is a great place to start if you're not sure where to start tracking video marketing.

Video marketing is one of the most important tools today for brands looking to increase their reach. This is because videos are more engaging and have a wide reach. This helps increase conversions and sales. If you use all of this in your favor, your brand's success is almost guaranteed!