
Caleb Plant mocks Trevor McCumby at the last press conference

Caleb Plant took the podium during today's final press conference to make sure Trevor McCumby knows what he's getting into this weekend. Plant mentioned that members of McCumby's team booed him during a previous press conference and said that while that trash talking may sound good, McCumby knows what he's getting into.

“It took a lot of hard work to get here and get back here,” Plant said. “One thing I like to do and have always done throughout my career is to study the greats, because success is about intention. And something I read a long time ago is, 'Success is at the top of the mountain and nobody went uphill by accident.'

“One of the greats that I study is Andre Ward, and it's been a blessing for me because he's become a good friend of mine over the years, and whenever I've needed to look for direction or get an opinion, he's always done his best to point me in the right direction. And one thing I've heard Dre say over and over again is, 'Not all opinions are valid.'

“The other day at the big arrival, someone on his team, maybe it was your brother, yelled at me and called me a bum. And it's easy for him to say that because he's standing on the sidewalk. Because I guarantee you, if you jump into traffic here, you'll get hit like a Mack truck.

“So like I said, not all opinions are valid because Trevor himself knows I'm not a bum. That's why you want to fight me because you're in the big league, you want to get to the big stage and you can't do that by fighting a bum. You do that by fighting a real fighter and that's what you imagine, a real fighter… everyone you've fought is a bum, but now you're not fighting a bum.”