
Morgan County remembers pilot killed in crash

FORT MORGAN, Colorado – The Morgan County community remembered a beloved family member, mentor and friend Saturday at the Fort Morgan Municipal Airport.

“He felt free in the air, close to God when he flew,” said Brittany Staley, a friend of the Scott family for 21 years. “I have no doubt his legacy will live on through the airport, through his businesses, through the young children he touched.”

Family and friends said they found it hard to believe it was true.

At his celebration of life, Staley stood by her best friend, Scott's wife Jennifer, as she reflected.

“His plane was an extension of his soul and his work here on this physical Earth,” said Jennifer Scott.

The two couples took many trips together with Kyle Scott as pilot.

“We flew with them to the Bahamas, where he flew us, we flew to Florida, we flew to Texas,” Staley said.

Scott flew for fun, for work and to help others.

“This is the largest funeral or celebration of life of its kind that I have ever experienced, and probably one of the most profound,” said former Morgan County Sheriff Jim Chrone.

Scott assisted the sheriff's office with wildfires and other operations.

“He did the missing persons search. If we had a fugitive on foot somewhere, he would get one of you with a radio and we'd go find him,” Chrone said. “So he was a big help to public safety.”

“He was just that protector in the air,” Staley said.