
Kamala Harris' social media account is accused of posting misleading video clips

Social media accounts operated by the Kamala Harris campaign have been accused of posting misleading video clips.

KamalaHQ has 2.2 million followers on X and Instagram and touts itself as “providing context.” The network frequently publishes posts highlighting controversial or inaccurate comments made by Trump and his team.

But the account, which the Harris campaign team calls its “official rapid response page,” has been accused of distributing misleadingly edited videos of the 78-year-old Trump.

Fact-checkers at CNN found eight examples of misleading videos shared by the account since mid-August.

One clip suggested that Trump was unaware of where he was during an August rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

The footage shows the Republican candidate standing behind a podium labeled “Text Pennsylvania,” turning to the right of the stadium and saying, “Would that be OK, North Carolina? I don't think so, do you?”

Alongside the clip shared on August 17, KamalaHQ wrote: “He's in Pennsylvania.” On Instagram, the account added: “Donald Trump is lost and confused.”