
What the partial lunar eclipse in September means for your zodiac sign

We are very excited about this lunation!

The September full moon, also called the Harvest Moon, is an exciting full moon because it also marks a partial lunar eclipse that peaks on September 17 at 7:44 p.m. Pacific Time.

The eclipse will begin at 6:55 p.m. and is expected to last 246 minutes, with the Moon in Earth's dark shadow for only 64 minutes. That's because this partial eclipse is a penumbral eclipse, meaning only a small portion of the Moon is in darkness.

Skywatchers watching the celestial spectacle from the ground should be able to see a dark shadow slowly growing on one side of the Moon. However, only half of the Earth will be able to see this spectacle.

Especially those who experience the night under a full moon. Geographically, this includes the Americas, the western Indian Ocean, parts of Antarctica, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean and parts of eastern Polynesia.

Kyle Thomas, an astrologer at PEOPLE, describes lunar eclipses in their astrological meaning as “full moons on steroids” because they are “three times more powerful and trigger preordained and predetermined events.”

“News that has been accumulating since August 17th and could still arrive until October 17th,” adds Thomas. September's partial solar eclipse will be a full moon in the constellation of Pisces, which he predicts could make us “very emotional.”

Read on to find out what the lunar eclipse could mean for you and your zodiac sign, according to Kyle Thomas' predictions!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


The eclipse is screaming at you to look within, Aries. “You may need to face your past, your baggage, your fears and anxieties,” explains Thomas. “Karma is catching up with you.”

There could even be “major shocks” to your mental and physical health,” he continues. “If you have been involved in shameful situations, secrets or scandals could emerge from the shadows.”

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


An important moment for your friendships and social circle could be coming up, Taurus. “You could participate in an important event or reach a milestone, a hope, a dream or a goal,” predicts Thomas.

“This can also affect you if a friend or acquaintance leaves your circle,” he says. “But you may also meet new people who radically change the course of your life forever.”

Thomas adds, “Be on the lookout for soulmates, whether platonic or romantic!” They could be right around the corner.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)


Let the world hear your call, Gemini! Thomas predicts that the lunar eclipse will “boost your career” and “bring your ambitions and public recognition into the spotlight.”

“An award, a promotion, a new job offer or a promotion could come out of nowhere!” he adds. “Some of you may even decide to take your career in a whole new direction – if so, go for it.”

If a job ends at this point, Thomas recommends “looking for a new one” or finding a path “that is more fulfilling.”

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)


Spread your wings and soar away, Cancer! “The lunar eclipse will give you the courage to step out of your comfort zone,” says Thomas.

“You may now experience success in a remote project or travel situation – you may even consider immigration,” he adds. “Others may decide to pursue further education or reach a milestone while already enrolled.”

If you work in media, publishing or international business, Thomas predicts that “big news” is coming.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)


There's an extremely intense moment ahead in terms of partnerships, Leo. “You'll be focusing on how you share, give and receive now,” says Thomas.

If you have a healthy relationship, he says, “you can decide now to increase intimacy.” But if you're on a rocky road, he says, “the path to agreement could push you in opposite directions.”

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says, “You may also hear news of a large severance package, payout, scholarship or inheritance during this time – or a change in your wealth, stocks and investments.”

Virgo (23 August to 22 September)


Get ready for an intense and pivotal moment in your life when it comes to relationships, Virgo. Depending on where you stand, Thomas predicts, “You may be making important decisions now to move to the next level together.”

If you're looking for the right business partner professionally — such as an agent, assistant, lawyer or accountant — “the two of you could be a good fit,” he says. But if you're not on the same playing field, this lunar eclipse “could bring an intense and dramatic breakup or divorce.”

If you are single, Thomas says you should “look for a soulmate with long-term potential!”

Libra (23 September to 22 October)


Get ready for a whirlwind of activity in your daily life, Libra. “This lunar eclipse will mark a major ending or turning point for your employment and responsibilities,” predicts Thomas.

When a job ends—or you decide to leave—you should look for something that better fits your skills and schedule. “You can achieve a valuable career milestone if you've worked hard at something,” he explains.

Elsewhere in his prediction, Thomas says this lunar eclipse “could bring about a change in your physical health, fitness, diet and exercise.”

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)


A light will shine around matters of the heart, Scorpio! The lunar eclipse brings a burst of energy to your passion sector, which, according to Thomas, “could trigger a significant turning point related to romance, hobbies, fertility, true love, or creativity.”

If you're single, he says, “you could meet a soulmate” – so don't miss the opportunity to show yourself! If you're in a committed relationship, he says you can harness that energy
“to rekindle your spark together.”

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)


Get ready for an emotional moment, Sagittarius! This lunar eclipse “could bring about a major change in your personal life, your home and your family,” says Thomas.

“There may be an important deal coming up now, such as a move, renovation or a decision to completely redecorate,” he says. If you're involved in real estate deals or are looking to be, he predicts, “there may be news coming up that you need to address.”

There's a chance this moon will impact your family as well. “You may need to step in now to help one of your relatives,” says Thomas. “If so, do it with grace.”

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)


It's time to open your mind and perspective, Capricorn! Thomas says the lunar eclipse “will strengthen your communication, intellect, and ideas zone.”

“Some of you may now start a significant writing, speaking or advertising initiative, because many people will be engaging with your ideas,” he explains. “Educational issues are also being promoted at this time.”

Thomas says this lunar eclipse can also “inspire you to travel, visit nearby destinations, or go on a road trip.” Whatever it is, have fun!

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)


There's a big change coming in your financial life, Aquarius. Thomas predicts this lunar eclipse will “shake up your income and wealth.”

“Some will see one stream of money dry up while a new one starts,” he says. “More money may come in the form of a raise, a part-time job or a new job offer.”

Thomas adds: “You may also be able to make a large payment around this point – so watch your spending!”

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)


Rise up, Pisces! Thomas says, “one of the most important periods of your entire life” is upon you! As the lunar eclipse electrifies your sign, he says, “a profound, fateful event is coming your way that you must face.”

There may be major closures, breakthroughs or breakdowns. Thomas suggests using this time to “let go of the past” and “anything that doesn't serve you or make you happy,” especially in terms of relationships.

He adds: “You will suddenly see a previous chapter of your life disappear before your eyes as you enter a completely new era.” Be excited and brave!

Kyle Thomas – known for his cosmic advice to celebrities, businesspeople and celebrity influencers – is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!