
PHHS mourns senior who died alongside his parents in an accident on the Parkway

The death of a 17-year-old girl and her parents in a traffic accident on the Garden State Parkway has shocked a Bergen County community.

David Dryerman, 54, Michele Dryerman, 54, and their daughter Brooke of Woodcliff Lake were identified as victims of the crash on the Garden State Parkway in Woodbridge just before midnight on Saturday, Sept. 14. David and Michele also have a son who survives them, relatives said.

Brooke was a senior at Pascack Hills High School and shared photos to her Instagram story from the Sea.Listen.Now Music festival in Asbury Park, hours before the accident happened.

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The PHHS school issued a statement explaining that counselors will be available to students at the high school on Sunday, September 15. Counseling will also be offered on Monday, September 16.

Woodcliff Lake Mayor Carlos Rendo ordered flags to be lowered in honor of the Dryerman family. “I am in shock,” he said. “Please pray for the family.”

David Dryerman was driving a Tesla Model S northbound when the vehicle veered left off the road at mile marker 131.1 just before midnight, striking a sign, a guardrail and a concrete bridge pillar, New Jersey State Police Sergeant Charles Marchan said. He, his wife, Michele, and Brooke died.

The crash remains under investigation and no further information is available.

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