
Review of “Harbin”: A great historical thriller about Korea’s struggle for independence

A visually stunning historical drama from Woo Min-ho, Harbin follows Korean independence activist Ahn Jung-geun (Hyun Bin) as he plots to assassinate the Japanese prime minister in 1909, shortly after the annexation of Korea. The plan involves numerous moves and several moving parts, leading to a gripping final act that delivers a wonderful historical imagining. On the way to this gripping climax, Woo also introduces an element of mystery that keeps the wheels of the story turning even when it lacks enough momentum.

Woo's stunning vistas are striking right from the start, during lonely shots of Ahn traversing an icy hellscape. This hiking scene is eventually given context, just as the lives of Ahn and his fellow freedom fighters are. The events that led them to the film's central plan, and those that sow distrust between them, are depicted in stark and ugly detail…