
Fight the new Nazis at Cornell and elsewhere with more than just words, Governor Hochul

Cornell University has reinstated the vicious Jew-hater Russell Rickford. Rickford had cheered the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust – and the governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, reacted with the worst possible restraint.

Rickford, a history professor, said of Hamas's October 7 atrocities: “It was exhilarating, it was stimulating… I was thrilled.”

Words worthy of a Nazi.

Here is what Hochul told her Flak Speaking to the Washington Post about Rickford's academic rehabilitation, he said: “Governor Hochul has repeatedly condemned Hamas's brutal terrorist attacks on October 7 and considers any glorification of that brutality outrageous and unacceptable.”

Words that go with a bowl of porridge.

Rickford later partially apologized and is now teaching the children of America's elite at the Ivy League in the north of the state.

God knows what he assigns to read. Old editions of the “Stürmer”? “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”?

Cornell is a private university; it can hire and fire employees at will based on such statements.

But it receives $127 million in state funding, and here is Hochul should would succeed – if it had the moral courage to do more than make toothless statements.

No matter how enlightened a school, financial problems always seem to bring out the sanity of the school's administration, as evidenced by the departure of disgraced former Cornell president Martha Pollack, who was ousted in part because of the donor revolt.

In addition, Hochul ex officio a member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees—so that she can advocate for a new president (the university now has an acting president) who can set the course for a future free of faculty fanatics like Rickford.

But we can hardly expect more from her on this subject than trite babble: “Look at what her state has become because she allowed it to happen.”

A large pro-Hamas rally took place in New York City, the center of Jewish life outside Israel Celebrate The hostages were murdered this month.

Jews are openly persecuted, harassed, intimidated and attacked by the new Brownshirts on university campuses and elsewhere.

This madness will only get worse as long as senior officials like Hochul refuse to take tough action.

It's time to show some backbone, Governor.