
The state of AI in drug research 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are transforming the world of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, especially in the area of ​​drug discovery. By leveraging large data sets and massive computing power, AI appears to have the ability to accelerate, and in some cases even reinvent, the development of novel and more effective therapeutics in the fields of cell and gene therapy, oncology, neuroscience, and more.

In GENs first virtual summit, The state of AI in drug researchwe are proud to welcome a stellar group of thought leaders, researchers and AI entrepreneurs from industry and academia to present the latest advances, challenges and concerns regarding the use of AI in biotech, with a particular focus on disrupting the drug discovery process. This exciting event brings together founders and leaders from many of the most exciting companies driving the AI ​​revolution, including Recursion, 1910 Genetics, Profluent, Terray Therapeutics, Generate:Biomedicines and more!

Join us on October 30th and experience a dynamic program with:

  • A keynote presentation with a protein design expert David Baker, PhD (University of Washington/HHMI)
  • A keynote fireside chat with Najat Khan, PhD (Recursion) to expand AI in the pharmaceutical research industry
  • From computer platforms to protein design with Ava Amini, PhD (Microsoft Research), Gevorg Grigoryan, PhD (Generate: Biomedicine), Karen Akinsanya, PhD (Schrödinger)
  • Basic models for reading and writing the language of biology with Ali Madani, PhD (abundant), Brian Hie, PhD (Arc Institute) and Alex Rives, PhD (Evolutionary scale)
  • Key considerations for AI-based small molecule drug discovery with experts from 1910 Genetics, Terray Therapeutics, insitro and Insilico Medicine
  • AI in the evolving business landscape of drug discovery with Simon Barnett (Dimension), Sabrina Yang, PhD (Empress Therapeutics/Flagship Pioneering) and Colin Hill (Aitia Bio)
  • Breakout sessions from our event sponsors

Registration for The state of AI in drug research is completely free.