
Never let go – Plugged in

Violent content

Mama explains to Sam and Nolan that the evil has taken possession of both of her parents and the boys' father. It made them violent and uncontrollable, so Mama felt she had to kill them. The evil now appears to Mama as the corpses of her parents and tries to make her feel so guilty that she escapes the house. One of them clearly has a stab wound in her back. Another drips black slime from her mouth and accuses Mama of poisoning her.

Mom tells her sons that the evil once appeared as an injured little girl screaming for help just outside the barrier. Mom refused to untie the rope to help, so the girl eventually died and rotted away. We see this girl in various stages of decomposition throughout the film.

Sam, convinced that evil has taken the form of a walker, shoots the man in the back with his mother's crossbow. The man runs away and eventually succumbs to his injuries. We never learn if he was real, but it's disturbing how easily Sam shoots the man, especially since he had agreed to leave the boys alone.

After hearing Sam say that Mama loves him more than Nolan (possibly a ploy of the evil one), Nolan steps on Sam's rope, causing his brother to fall and break his leg. Throughout the rest of the film, the brothers have a sort of rivalry regarding their mother, which occasionally culminates in fistfights.

Momma threatens each of the boys with a knife and orders them to say a ritual prayer to her house after they accidentally break free from it. Later, the brothers wonder if she would have killed them if they hadn't been able to say the prayer, as the inability to do so implies possession. In another incident, Momma locks Nolan in a basement-like room, fearing he is possessed by evil. This is not the case, and he wets his pants in fear while begging his mother to release him.

Nolan and Momma both have violent nightmares. In Nolan's dream, he is being pulled by his rope into a well where there is a monster. In Momma's dream, her mouth is covered in blood from eating her own children (a threat that evil promises her will come true).

Sam uses a slingshot to knock a squirrel out of a tree. He then steps on the animal's neck to kill it. And Mom later skins it. In a desperate moment, Mom decides to shoot the family dog ​​to get food, but the animal escapes.

[Note: Spoilers are contained in the rest of this section] The evil has told Mama that if it catches her, it will force her to eat her babies. And when it finally manages to corner her, Mama refuses to be forced to attack her children. Instead, she takes a shard of glass and slits her throat. Sam tries helplessly to revive her.

When Sam then becomes possessed, he tries to kill his twin with a machete before locking Nolan in the house and setting everything on fire. And Sam seems to enjoy this, smiling and taking a photo of himself with the burning building in the background.