
Trial of men accused of triple murder continues

Wednesday was the second day of testimony in the trial of the men accused of a triple murder in 2021.

The latest developments coming out of the courtroom on Wednesday say that one of the defendants, Larry McClain, had a personal connection to the victims.

Witnesses who were friends with the victims claim McClain knew them and attended a party the night of the fatal shooting.

Several witnesses testified that McClain was at the party.

According to witnesses, many of them were in town to see a balloon launch by Davosia Whiteside's brother.

Whiteside is currently in custody, but testified in court on Wednesday that he was friends with the victims, particularly Bryant Williams and Savante English.

Witnesses said they were invited to an after-party at English's house after the balloon launch.

Another witness, Shyra Daniel, was asked if there were any other men at the party.

Daniel answered and said a man named “Junior” was present.

When asked to describe “Junior,” Daniel replied, “He’s sitting right there,” and went on to describe McClain, who was present in the courtroom.

Other witnesses agreed, with Whiteside even claiming that McClain brought a jar of cannabis to the party.

The other witness, Michael Smith, who is not in custody but faces charges in court, claims he remembers McClain always having a gun on him, even though he was asleep at the party when he arrived.

Smith also said Williams made money selling drugs that were sometimes kept in the house where the murder occurred.

Witnesses said a small group of them went to IHOP after the party, and according to security camera footage, McClain did not go into the restaurant with them.

The jury also reviewed autopsy photos of the victims Wednesday morning, which show that Williams and English each died from eight gunshot wounds and Keyera Gant died from five gunshot wounds.

It is believed that Gant was in the fetal position when she died.

The doctor who performed the autopsy on the victims stated that he could not determine from his findings what type of firearm was used or whether multiple firearms were used.

The trial will continue tomorrow and we will continue to provide you with updates live and online.