
Attend the Virade de l'Espoir de Cergy-Pontoise – 13 Comme Une

Organized since 2018 in Cergy-Pontoise, the Virade de l'Espoir is a solidarity and festive course of humanity against cystic fibrosis, an incurable genetic disease that relentlessly destroys the respiratory and digestive systems and does not exceed 7,500 people in France. La 7t Issue is postponed Saturday, September 28, 2024, on the Cergy-Pontoise leisure island, from 8 a.m. to 6 the squad of the Weekend National de Lutte against cystic fibrosis.

Courir o march for the good cause

The matinee on September 28th is dedicated to the sporting and solidarity leaders. Marcheures, Promeneurs, Coureurs Guerris or Occasionnels, all levels are invited to participate. Additional courses are not possible:

  • The 10 km chronometer course was completed by participants aged 16 and over.
  • The 6km course is available in two formats: Chronometric course or free course.
  • The hike of 11 km,
  • Family market 4 km away.

The inscriptions were only published for the courses on September 25th and sold for the event on September 27th.
› Information and registration on the website of the Virade de Cergy-Pontoise

The integrity of the inscription was returned to the Association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose.

A festive, family-friendly and solidarity animation program

Parallel element aux épreuves sportives, The number of animations has been displayed for a long timeThey are proposed by the sports associations of the territory (Baseball, Golf, Hockey, Joëlette, Tir à l'arc, Escrime…), but also from local partners (Play experiences by Koezio Cergy, sensory animation by Sensas Cergy and awareness raising through first steps by Formaguard).

U.N Status of awareness You can learn about cystic fibrosis and assess the consequences of the disease on your daily journey “Vis ma vie de muco”.

You can also look back to create the great pleasure of all and many people Inflatable structuresyou Make upa on selfiesso Ninja course and a Staircase wall.

Restoration and musical ambience also follow the party.

Two illustrated couples

La Virade a l'honneur d'être soutenue by two high-level athletes, both originals from Cergy-Pontoise:

  • Presnel Kimpembe, PSG defender and 2018 football world champion, has been investing in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis since 1re Year of the Virade.
  • Jean-Eric Vergne, two-time Formula E world champion, will be campaigning at night against this incurable disease from 2021.

Oldelaf and charity concert

For those who were in the cells and envied the thunder of their soufflés, the thunder of their voice, they met at the forum of Vauréal or the singer Oldelaf, who gave a concert to benefit the Lutte against cystic fibrosis. The reason to spend this festive day with music!

Samedi September 28th at 8:30 p.m. at the Forum, 95 Boulevard de l'Oise, 95490 Vauréal.
One-time price: 25 €
Ticketing on the Forum website