
The opposition demanded the return of Christophe Béchu

On 23 September, Christophe Béchu returned to the position of mayor of Angers by an exceptional council of the city. He was accompanied by Jean-Marc Verchère, the son of the deputy prime minister, who assured him during his government mission.

In a municipal communiqué, the three municipal opposition groups (Aimer Angers, Angers en Commun and Angers Écologique et Solidaire) resumed on the return of This is the moment, Minister for the Ecological Transition. “Our city deserves a commitment to outdoor time for the”write it.

“What origin lies at the door?” »

“The return of Christophe Béchu 18 months ago before the upcoming municipal elections is still ongoing. I adored the headquarters in Angers because I have long been able to achieve an objective expected by the ministry »jugent les socialistes, les insoumis et les écologistes.

The three interrogating groups were also questioned by politicians aged 50, who were then overtaken in two years before the government: « Where does the local force majeure come from? Where does the important measure to control air conditioning come from? Are you ready to opt for the environment and the climate in the 2025 budget? »

A public reunion of the commune debuts in October

The opposition was also asked about its priorities for the future, namely a candidate for the upcoming presidential election, Edouard Philippe. “Most of my time was wasting time outdoors in the country when he was part of Horizons and his son.” President. Angers is no reward for next week! »previous.

The communiqué is transmitted on behalf of the respective party, « from the entrance to the room », « due to uncertainty »passing by “Social irregularities in access to public services in the municipalities”. “Il faut renforcer la politique d'aide sociale”request it.

The three groups are organizing a public community meeting on October 2nd at 7pm in the Curnonsky Salons.