
Republican gubernatorial candidate in North Carolina called himself a 'black Nazi' – report | US News

North Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has called himself a “black NAZI!” on a porn website's message board, according to a new CNN report on the incumbent lieutenant governor, who is already plagued by scandals and controversial comments.

According to CNN reports, Robinson referred to himself as a “pervert” in archived messages because he “liked watching transgender pornography.” The messages were written between 2008 and 2012 on Nude Africa, a pornographic website and message board.

He also spoke out in favor of the reintroduction of slavery. “Slavery is not bad. Some people have to be slaves. I wish they would [slavery] back. I would certainly buy a few,” he wrote in October 2010.

In March 2012, during the Obama administration, he wrote: “I would choose Hitler over any crap going on in Washington right now!”

Robinson, North Carolina's first black lieutenant governor, is running against Democrat Josh Stein, the state's attorney general, in November. Republicans reportedly pressured Robinson to drop out of the race after rumors of CNN's report began to circulate Thursday. The deadline for a candidate to withdraw in North Carolina is also Thursday, and the deadline to remove his name from the ballot has passed.

In a video post on social media, Robinson accused his opponent of leaking the story to CNN and vehemently denied making the comments.

“You know my words. You know my character,” Robinson said. “And you know that I have been completely transparent in this race and before. Folks, in this race our opponents are desperately trying to shift the focus from the substantive issues to what concerns you and to salacious tabloid trash. We cannot allow that.”

Robinson compared the story to the “high-tech lynching” of Chief Justice Clarence Thomas during contentious confirmation hearings three decades ago. “We will not allow that to happen. We are staying in the race. We are in it to win,” he said.

The CNN report describes decades-long connections between the identity “minisoldr” in chat forums and email addresses known to belong to Robinson.

Since Republicans already control the North Carolina legislature, a Robinson victory would give them a three-way victory and sole control of policymaking in a crucial swing state.

Robinson has made controversial statements in the past, calling Covid-19 a “globalist” conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump. In 2021, he referred to transgender and gay people as “filth.” He also said that gay people were like “what the cows leave behind,” as well as “maggots” and “flies.”

Robinson has not led in any poll since June. A recent Emerson College poll showed him trailing by eight points.

North Carolina is a crucial swing state in the presidential election. Carolina Journal, a conservative North Carolina political magazine, reported today that the Trump campaign has asked Robinson to drop out of the race and will no longer allow him to appear on stage with the former president. Trump fully endorsed Robinson in March, calling him “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

The CNN article quotes Robinson as having made obscene, racist slurs against King in 2011 posts, calling him a “communist scoundrel,” “worse than a maggot,” a “fucking bitch, a hypocrite,” and a “crook.”

“I'm not in the KKK. They don't let black people join,” Robinson posted, according to CNN. “If I was in the KKK, I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!”