
Witness: Accident with patrol car was like demolition derby

Two Albany police officers are still at Albany Medical Center following a serious accident Wednesday afternoon.

Two Albany police officers remain at Albany Medical Center. Two others have been treated and released.

Her injuries were the result of a violent collision between two police patrol cars late Wednesday afternoon.

The two Albany police teams were on their way to assist their colleagues on a private visit across town.

Unfortunately, the replacement teams did not make it. They crashed at the intersection of Madison Avenue and Quail Street.

The identity of the injured officers is not being released by Albany Police at this time. All four were treated for head injuries. Two of the officers suffered serious injuries.

Witnesses to the accident said they were not surprised that there were serious injuries, given the debris at the scene and the loud noise of the impact.

Hear the vivid description of what they saw by watching Dan Levy's video's history.