
ICC investigation into Duterte's drug war could be 'last card' for Marcos government as rift widens

The International Criminal Court could soon issue an arrest warrant against the former Philippine president Rodrigo Dutertesaid a lawyer involved in the case, with new testimony before Congress potentially adding to the evidence of alleged crimes against humanity committed as part of his anti-drug campaign.

International Criminal Court (ICC) deputy counsel Maria Kristina Conti told This Week in Asia: “We hope that an arrest warrant will be issued within a year,” but noted that “implementation is another matter.”

Conti is working with the ICC to find witnesses willing to testify against the former president and officials of his administration. He said that despite the court's lack of recent information, similar cases suggest the ICC will move quickly.

“We assume that things were kept confidential because there is a likelihood of an arrest – because the ICC has recently requested and issued arrest warrants in contexts where enforcement was impossible,” Conti said on Thursday.

She noted that the ICC Chief Prosecutor in the Duterte case, Karim Khanhad already requested arrest warrants against other heads of state – IsraelBenjamin Netanyahu and Russia's Vladimir Putin – for alleged war crimes.