
Murder prosecutor Stephen McCullagh denied bail

McNally family A smiling Natalie McNally. She has blonde hair, wears earrings and red lipstickMcNally family

Natalie McNally was murdered in her home in Lurgan

A man accused of murdering his pregnant partner in their Lurgan home was described in court as a “particularly skilful and manipulative individual”.

Natalie McNally was 15 weeks pregnant when she was killed in December 2022.

Judge O'Hara refused bail, saying Stephen McCullagh, of Woodland Gardens in Lisburn, was also a “master of media manipulation”.

If released, the judge said, the 33-year-old would “inevitably and potentially influence witnesses.”

Mr McCullagh appeared in court in Belfast on Friday via video link and before a public gallery full of Ms McNally's family and friends.

Prosecutors told the court that Ms McNally's murder was “carried out with a great deal of planning and premeditation, which is of great significance.”

The court concluded that the case was “related to the domestic violence that is widespread in our society.”

Internet search history

The court also heard about Mr McCullagh's internet browsing history in the days leading up to Ms McNally's murder.

A prosecution lawyer said the search warrant included the questions “What is more painful: dying by drowning or being burned alive?” and “Is it extremely painful to die from a gunshot wound than from being stabbed in the heart?”

When bail was denied, some people in the stands clapped.

Judge O'Hara said, “Halt. I'm going to clear the courtroom. You are here to see what happens in the courtroom, not to participate in it.”

The trial date was set for May 6.