
Jaime Munguia knocks out Bazinyan in Top Rank main event in Glendale

(This story has been updated to add new information.)

Just six days after Canelo Alvarez dominated on pay-per-view and thrilled his legions of Mexican fans, Phoenix-area boxing fans had the opportunity to see another great Mexican boxer in person at Desert Diamond Arena on Friday night. And Jaime Munguia did not disappoint, just as he did in Arizona in January of this year.

The multiple former champion in several weight classes beat challenger Erik Bazinyan in the 10th round and improved to 44-1 with 36 knockouts.

“We had to wrestle him down and be careful with body blows,” Munguia said in Spanish. “And in the 10th round, I decided to give it my all. And that's how we managed the knockout.”