
Son of imprisoned Hong Kong journalist Jimmy Lai mobilizes US support in fight for his release

Sébastien Lai:

My father is a very strong person. I think as a son I always see him that way.

But his health has deteriorated significantly. Although he is mentally strong and knows he is doing the right thing, I am really worried that he will die in prison. My father has been fighting for democracy for the last 30 years and he always had a way out, he could just retire and go to London.

And he made the difficult decision to stay in Hong Kong and fight for what he believes is right. And when the hammer fell, when the national security law came into force, he knew that if he left, he would expose his journalists to attacks from the government.

And so he decided to stay and act as a shield. And I mean, that's something I respect him for a lot. And I wish I had the courage to do that if I was in that situation: to stand by his people and not abandon them, knowing that he could very well spend the rest of his life in prison.