
Can Alzheimer's be delayed? How a new dementia screening test and a new drug can help

If treatment were available, a clear majority of people would get tested for dementia, says the charity Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI).

ADI, based in London (UK), works with dementia and Alzheimer's associations in over 100 countries. The company asked the test question to many people: 40,000 in 166 countries.

Hamid Sohrabi is a professor of psychology and clinical neuroscience at Murdoch University in Australia and director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing there. He and his team recently developed the McCusker Subjective Cognitive Impairment Inventory (McSCI-S) – a screening test to identify dementia risk.

The McSCI-S has been translated and is in the final stages of approval for clinical and research applications in China.

Hamid Sohrabi is director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing at Murdoch University in Australia. His team has developed a screening test for dementia risk. Photo: Alzheimer's Research Australia