
Rock Island man found guilty of 2018 murder of his wife argued self-defense in the dock |

WATERVILLE – Ului Teulilo was found guilty of murdering his wife by a Douglas County Superior Court jury Friday after taking the unusual step of testifying as a defendant in his own murder trial.

The trial began Monday and continued through Friday, with Teulilo testifying for more than an hour Thursday, a day before the jury returned a guilty verdict on both counts of first-degree premeditated murder and second-degree premeditated murder.

For 74-year-old Teulilo, testifying in his own murder trial is a right that every defendant is entitled to, but one that he rarely makes use of.

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Peggy Teulilo was found dead in a trailer she shared with her husband in Rock Island on July 25, 2018. An officer was dispatched to check on Peggy when her employer reported her missing. Teulilo was arrested the same day.

On July 24, 2018, Peggy called 911 at 7:42 a.m. to report that Teulilo was making veiled threats to get a gun and scare her, according to a Douglas County Sheriff's Office investigative report.

Peggy Teulilo

At 4:55 p.m., she met with a victim advocate at Sage, an agency that supports victims of abuse, to get help applying for a protection order. Because Sage was closed and the courts were closed, she was told to come back the next day, the report said.

Peggy was found dead 18 hours later.

Teulilo testified Thursday that when we were discussing or arguing in bed about Peggy's possible trip to see her son, she first attacked him with a trailer hitch.

Teulilo said he took the trailer hitch from her hand and pushed her away. Then, he said, she came at him again, this time with a hammer.

At that point, Teulilo said he swung the trailer hitch at her, hitting her in the forehead. During closing arguments on Thursday, the defense argued that Peggy died from that blow.

Teulilo said he was “still thrashing around” after hitting Peggy on the head.