
Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Your sign ruler Saturn is still retrograde, but your productivity will be boosted several times by Venus, Mercury and Mars. The first quarter moon in your sign will encourage you to reflect on yourself, but don't worry! You will survive the short period of self-reflection.

What the stars are planning:

  • Your sign ruler Uranus is retrograde in Taurus.
  • In Virgo, Mercury forms a trine with Uranus.
  • In Scorpio, Venus is in opposition to Uranus.

What it means:

Mercury is briefly in love with your sign ruler Uranus, lending you eloquence in the early days of the season. But when Venus moves into Scorpio, romance might seem impossibly far from your mind. Don't worry! You'll find plenty of fun ways to spend your time, even if your ruler is far from the passion of desire. You can simply enjoy the atmosphere of a season with another air sign as temperatures rise and casual conversation becomes stimulating.

Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What the stars are planning:

  • Both Saturn and your ruler Neptune are retrograde in your sign.
  • In Scorpio, Venus forms trines with Saturn and Neptune.

What it means:

You'll get some love when Venus is enraptured by Saturn and Neptune in your sign, urging you to organize your goals and pursue your ideal fantasies. The waxing gibbous moon is also good to you in mid-October, amplifying your tendencies toward adaptability, responsibility, motivation, innovation, attraction, intuition, and renewal. Good business! Overall, the breeze of Libra season should feel quite pleasant to you, swirling gentle waves across the surface of your water sign soul.

Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What the stars are planning:

  • Chiron and the ascending lunar node are retrograde in your sign. (The ascending lunar node is always retrograde, that's normal.)
  • Your sign ruler Mars is in Cancer. Mars forms a trine with Saturn and is square with Chiron.
  • In Libra, the Sun and Mercury are opposite the ascending lunar node and Chiron and compete against Mars.
  • In Scorpio, Venus forms a trine with Mars.
  • In Sagittarius, Venus forms a trine with the ascending lunar node.
  • The full moon in your sign is in opposition to the sun.

What it means:

Your Libra season is a little complicated: Both the blessings and the trials are big. Your sign ruler Mars is still in Cancer, making you drenched with liquid emotions. The sun and Mercury are energized by Mars and distanced by your residents, Chiron the healer, and the rising node of fate. You're likely to have some difficulty understanding and discussing your own perceptions this season, and the full moon in your sign is shining a light on your insecurities. But you're getting some grace from Venus, which is smiling on your sign ruler Mars and the rising node in your sign. You're a person of action, used to pursuing desires rather than waiting for your desires to come to you, so this time might be a little rough. Patience can be hard to develop, but don't worry: you always love a challenge!

Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What the stars are planning:

  • Uranus is retrograde in your sign.
  • In Virgo, Mercury forms a trine with Uranus.
  • Your zodiac ruler Venus begins the season in Libra, where she squares off against Pluto. About five hours into your season, Venus leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio.
  • In Scorpio, Venus forms a trine with Saturn, Mars and Neptune, opposes Uranus and forms a sextile with Pluto. Then Venus leaves Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius.
  • In Sagittarius, Venus forms a trine with the ascending lunar node.

What it means:

Your sign ruler Venus spends much of the season partying in your sister sign Scorpio. You can see Venus splashing around there, making friends with any planets currently in water signs. Although you and Uranus are too far apart to participate directly, your connection with Venus allows you to enjoy the fun vicariously. Your guardian planet will make you feel energized to start new projects. You may be conflicted about your creativity, but Mercury will help you talk through the issue.

Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What the stars are planning:

  • Jupiter is in your sign. In October Jupiter will be retrograde. Then Jupiter will form a sextile with Chiron.
  • In Libra, the Sun and Mercury form trines with Jupiter.
  • In Libra, the Sun undergoes a conjunction with Mercury.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the season in Virgo and then moves into Libra.
  • In Libra, Mercury opposes the rising lunar node and Chiron, conjuncts Lilith, squares Mars, and trines Jupiter. Then Mercury leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio.

What it means:

Jupiter goes retrograde in your sign and then does you a favor by giving Chiron a high five to encourage healing. Your sign ruler Mercury stays busy all season, as is its wont, flitting through three signs and causing drama in each of them. Mercury's expansion in Libra is dangerous. It will tempt you to defy the forces of fate and healing to live with the darkness of Lilith. Consider setting some safety boundaries before you reach that point, because making good decisions will be difficult in the moment. But ultimately, everything will be OK! Lucky Jupiter is on your side with support from Mercury and the Sun. Have fun surfing the turbulence of the season!

Horoscope for Libra Season 2024: What to Expect Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What the stars are planning:

  • Mars is in your sign. Mars forms a trine with Saturn and is square with Chiron.
  • In Libra, the Sun and Mercury are opposite Mars.
  • In Scorpio, Venus forms a trine with Mars.
  • Your sign's ruler, the Moon, travels throughout the zodiac, moving through Gemini and your sign twice at the beginning and end of the season.
  • The last quarter of the moon in your sign is square to the sun.
  • The new moon in Libra is in conjunction with the sun and causes an annular solar eclipse.
  • The moon in the first quarter of Capricorn is square to the sun.
  • The full moon in Aries is in opposition to the sun.

What it means:

The time of solar eclipses is here! This time, your Moon sign's ruler, the Moon, is way out at the furthest point of its orbit, hanging out with Lilith in Libra as it passes in front of the Sun. That's why the eclipse is annular and not total, and a ring of fiery sunlight will remain visible on the edge of the Moon at the maximum extent of the eclipse. During this eclipse, your emotions cannot quite Erase all your ego and you will preserve your self-esteem!