
Carrie Underwood goes trout fishing and the haters say she looks different

This isn’t the most inspiring week of college football ever, which means someone will go down and social media will go nuts – RESPECT SUMMER & The College Football Slate

I have my eyes on two games: LSU-South Carolina (Noon, ESPN) and Notre Dame-Purdue (3:30 ET, CBS). 

Is it possible we see Brian Kelly and Marcus Freeman run out of town on the same day? The Cocks are riding high after going on the road and pummeling Kentucky and Freeman literally asked Northern Illinois coach Thomas Hammock how he beat Notre Dame. 

The head coach of a supposed playoff team is asking a MAC coach with a career losing record at NIU how he did it. I don’t care if Freeman was a legend at Ohio State and a great prep star out of Dayton, Ohio suburb Hubertucky (Huber Heights/ Wayne High School). I call it like I see it with these guys and Freeman has seemed overwhelmed from the start. 

Give me Purdue today in an upset (or is it?) to set up what will be one of the wildest coaching changes of the year when Urban Meyer is called to save Notre Dame. 

Urban is only 60 and would be pretty much guaranteed a spot in the playoff every year. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity before his days are numbered. 

– Matt in Colorado writes: 

Hope all is well with you!

Emailing today to say that I’m seeing/hearing too many people dismissing this weekend’s college football slate.  I get it, no galvanizing matchups..but that’s missing the big picture here and that is we’re in football season!

How people forget the highlight of the sports weekend a month ago was the 3M Open and that there will be degenerate gamblers begging for any meaningful sports between the Super Bowl and March Madness and then again post-NBA/NHL playoffs.

I don’t care that the primetime games this weekend will be Dawgs feasting on Cats (in KY, not Springfield, OH!) and one of Deion’s last embarrassments in Boulder.  It’s football season, let’s respect it!


Colorado-Colorado State is tonight (7:30 ET) on CBS. Yes, a national broadcast. Yes, I am also surprised. I had to check four different sources to make sure I was reading that correctly. 

– Brad S. writes in for those in Alabama who are going to attempt a Wisconsin gameday meal: 

Scott from NH mentioned the Brandy Old Fashion. It’s a Wisconsin thing. It’s brandy (Korbel is the most popular – don’t use the expensive stuff), the usual old fashion ingredients and 7up or seltzer to finish. My son told me about this amazing cocktail when he moved to Green Bay. Use the Google for a number of recipes.

– Bama fan TV, who asked for help with his Wisconsin gameday menu, writes: 

These responses are great! Thanks!  I’ll report back with pics of the finished product.  We play at 11:00 am so I’ll probably have a round of brats ready for lunch and then a second for supper.  

High School Football Broadcasting Duo of the Century

You have to take three, four or five minutes to listen to this Friday night broadcast out of Missouri. If you loved the schweddy balls skit on SNL, you’re in for a treat here. 

Fast-forward through the video. You won’t be disappointed. 

I knew the TNML vote was important. Now it’s been confirmed.

This snake would take our gas-powered mowers in a heartbeat. This also proves my point that the manicured lawn voting bloc is can sway elections. I said it weeks and weeks again that these scumbag politicians would come for us. 

Well, that day has officially arrived. 

Christmas creep MUST BE STOPPED! RESIST! 

– Duncan writes: 

My sister saw this at her grocery store in Connecticut.

It's always nice to hear from the first writers, especially those who send pictures of FLEISCH

– David S. writes:

I found this beautiful place you call Screencaps about a year ago and I was instantly hooked! I've often wanted to add my two cents but never did until now. These two topics are very important to me so I knew it was time to step up to the class and add my two cents.

1. I have been taking snuff for over 30 years and have tried to quit several times, albeit half-heartedly, and never managed to last more than 36 hours. Lately, this little voice in my head has been getting louder and louder demanding to actually quit. Especially since we now live in Florida and a can costs over $9.00!

Honestly, I like to drive 6 miles to Alabama once a week to save 50%, so I knew it was a sign when this came up earlier in the week, and after reading about how many people have taken on difficult things and made it happen from one day to the next, I've decided to do the same. (Once hunting season is over.)

2. While I don't mind going out to eat with friends every few months or grabbing fast food on a long car ride, I absolutely refuse to pay for food on a daily basis, and I sure as hell won't pay for someone to bring me food to the office.

I cook every Sunday afternoon and Thursday evening to make sure there is enough food for the whole family on each of those days. I grill or smoke 2-3 different types of protein and prepare 2-3 different types of vegetables so no one has the same choices every time.

Of course, kids can't take leftovers to school because they can't reheat them, but they eat leftovers at home every night. I proudly bring leftovers to work and usually make coworkers jealous with the smell that wafts from the break room. They love to look in and ask what I'm eating, it's like moths to a flame.

Anyway, sorry for digressing. I love what you guys are doing here and am happy to be a loyal follower.

Oh, and TNML changed my life!

Here are some pictures of meat from my porch.

Let's go, Dawgs!


Thanks to David for checking in. I know it can be intimidating to send that first email and see it on OutKick, knowing tens of thousands of readers will see it.

That's why I always told you to pretend we're all just sitting around a table at a VFW or a dive bar in northern Michigan where there's no cell reception at all, rather than some swanky dive bar with walls painted millennial gray.

By the way, it's 7:47 am and now I'm hungry for a plate of MEAT.

Some of us are heading out to lunch to reconnect with society after hours of hard work… and then someone else comes along, writing an email for the first time!

– Millennial Derek from Texas writes:

My name is Derek and I'm from Collinsville, Texas, a small town – graduating class of 2008 with 41 students – about 20 minutes south of the Oklahoma border, right on Lake Texoma.

I've been reading Screencaps for a while, since the Jason Whitlock/Outkick days, and am a huge fan. I read every day, but may have missed a few here and there. I enjoy many of the topics covered and thought about emailing several, but none inspired me to respond until the “packed lunch vs. eating out” topic. This really struck a chord with me, as I have a different viewpoint than most of the emails you've shared.

A little background: I am a master electrician with 9 years of experience. I work at a local private school and make just under $50,000 a year with decent benefits. One of them is free tuition for my children (5 girls ages 7-15), which is the main reason I work there. I supplement my income with side jobs on weekends and after work, and we are a single income family…my wife stays home to take care of the kids and house.

The reason for my email is because after my regular 8-5 job and side hustles that often keep me away from home late at night, my lunch break at Texas Roadhouse is one of the few joys in my life. At least three times a week, I sit at the bar, greet my usual bartender, and order my usual food. Usually the medallions with a couple of large Blue Moons. Besides football, this is my sanctuary, my escape.

I pack lunch most days, but when I'm working 10-12 hour days, 6 days a week, I need my lunchtime outings to keep my sanity, as the kids would say. Why work and make all that money if you can't enjoy it every week? Thanks Joe for all you do. I hope one day I have enough time and money to make it to the Two Club Invitational, even though I've never really played golf.


I want the baby boomers who are constantly bashing millennials to read this email. It's people like Millennial Derek and Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green (a gas man) who are the backbone of this country now that you old timers are retired. Without these people, there would be no natural gas and this electrical work while you enjoy your retirement.

However, Screencaps MUST have readers in the northern suburbs of Dallas who could show Millennial Derek having a good time on a golf course. He is about 36 miles from Frisco, TX.

We need to get MDiT (Millennial Derek in Texas) on a golf course. Guys like him deserve to get out and have fun. He needs to feel the thrill of 18 holes with like-minded men who can show him the way to golf happiness.

Someone in Dallas can help me make this happen.

Derek, stay loyal to the Screencaps community. We support you.

Email: [email protected]


And with that, we're ready for a weekend. You're well prepared. The menus are set. The weather is going to be INSANE. It's going to be 30 degrees, no clouds. Yes, I have to turn on the pool. Maybe I'll sleep on the terrace tonight.

Don’t miss this CFB list!

I'm going to the soccer field now. Have an incredible few days off.

Email: [email protected]

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