
Córdova left the bench to meet the Triunfo in Tigres Mediotitempo

El Part between Juárez and Tigres you have some constants. Unos Bravo It was not the initiative that I had not yet received, both in the offensive and in the lower zone. Además de ello, a great exhibition of Marcelo Floresque con Gignac on the bench, realizó insinuations more important que ni Nico Ibáñez and Diego Lainez can accompany us.

On the other hand, during the first Mitad Attacks were limited by the Cats circulating the ball from one player to another without penetrating the defense, in a stadium where they entered using the legs of an opponent.

Ya para la segunda mitad, con el ingreso de Uriel AntunaSeparately a ruptura de dinámica que the diera a los de la UANL A clear look at the marker, without embargo, the constant misses of Ibáñez and an inaccuracy of Antuna, which was also relegated to zero in a quick review, it only took a minute.

Parecía al 53' que el Cartagenes Diego Valoyes podría capitalizar a gran trazo de Villalpando, without embargo, Diego Reyes cross and in a sorprendente manner he evicted the ball. At that moment the Bravos went home and Tigres and came with the mayor's attention to the large area.

The recording of Gignac and Javier Aquino Changed the animic moment of the party for the visitors. Lejos de encerrar a los Bravos, Dieter Villalpando I transform myself into the best football player on the field and watch it on many occasions Oscar Estupinanthat will not come true.

Al 68', Gignac also hoped for a big center from Antuna and did not need much to achieve it go for it tigerS. So, Sebastian Cordava j Juan Pablo Vigón hicieron act of presence.

The bang of gold

The game lasted 84 minutes, when Juárez played at his best. A balloon I found André-Pierre Gignac By and large, you must try to get on the road Ozziel Herrerawho can't remember. Without embargo, the ball has ahead of Sebastián Córdova, who is rematando with a Maestria of another party and the Queen of Victoria on his team.

At the end of the encounter, the Tigres had to spend a certain amount of time making their rival run out of time when he tried to test his patience before the match. For this reason, the cats ended up on the street Segundo lugar de la tabla generalby Encima of Rayados.