
Spain Brazil share values ​​racial equality and against intolerance

Luis Ayllón

The Brazilian ambassador to Madrid, Orlando Leite Ribeiro, stressed that his country and Spain shared the values ​​of democracy, racial equality and the fight against intolerance.

The ambassador made this statement in his speech at the reception held on Tuesday at the Royal Tapestry Factory on the occasion of Brazil's National Day, just a few days after the controversy sparked by some words uttered by Real Madrid footballer Vinicius Junior, in which he pointed to the existence of racism in Spain, although at no time were any concrete references made to this case.

The event was attended by the Spanish Ministers for Transport, Óscar Puente, and for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas.

Among the numerous guests were representatives of Spanish political, economic, military and cultural life, as well as a large group of ambassadors, mainly from Latin America. On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director General for Latin America, Javier Gassó, Director General for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Deputy Director General, José Luis García Galán, Deputy Director General for the Mercosur countries, were present, along with the Director of the Casa América, León de la Torre, and former Spanish ambassadors to Brazil, such as Manuel de la Cámara.

Also present were the Ibero-American Secretary General Andrés Allamand and the Secretary General of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), Manuel Jabonero.

The reception was also attended by PP spokesman Borja Semper and Popular Group MPs Carlos Aragonés and Guillermo Mariscal.

After interpreting the national anthems of Spain and Brazil, the ambassador began by pointing out that the two countries' futures are inextricably linked due to their shared fundamental values. “Values ​​such as democracy, racial equality and the fight against intolerance are defining elements of the modern identity of our peoples,” he stressed.

He then recalled that on the 24th of this month, Presidents Lula and Sánchez will co-host the event “In Defense of Democracy, Combating Extremism”, which will be held in New York and will be attended by a significant number of the Heads of State and Government present at the United Nations General Assembly.

And in his address to Minister Planas, who was travelling to the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso that same evening for the meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers, the Ambassador assured him of his country's determination to continue producing more in order to improve nutrition but also to protect the environment.

Orlando Leite Ribeiro pointed out that during the Brazilian presidency of the G20, the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty will be launched at the Rio de Janeiro Summit in November. This is an initiative in which Spain has already confirmed its participation in this global alliance, including through financial contributions, for which he thanked the ministers present.

He added that Brazil's commitment to a fairer and more sustainable future will continue next year, when the state of Pará hosts the UN Climate Change Conference COP30.
The Ambassador stressed that the first meeting of the Permanent Bilateral Commission Brazil-Spain will take place on October 10, chaired by Ministers Albares and Mauro Vieira. And in the business field, he cited as examples the presence of Abertis, Acciona, Aena, Iberdrola, Mapfre, Redeia, Repsol, Telefónica, Santander, Estrella Galicia and Indra as sponsors of the reception. And on the Brazilian side, where he noted a growing interest in Spain, he mentioned O8, an innovative financial institution, the Brazilian-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Casa do Brasil, Cachaça Vinicius, Destilaria Salinas, Brasil Açaí, Whaka and Menendez Amerino.

Orlando Leite highlighted the extraordinary contribution that Spain has made to the development of Brazilian infrastructure, stressing in the presence of Minister Puente that AENA is the largest airport concessionaire in Brazil and Abertis is the largest highway concessionaire. “Regardless of the means of transport, Spain is present and facilitates the mobility of millions of people and goods in Brazil, every second,” he said.

For his part, Minister Oscar Puente said that Brazil is a friendly brother country and an important partner in economic terms, while stressing that AENA is Brazil's largest airport concessionaire.

Finally, Agriculture Minister Luis Planas highlighted the political, economic and human relations between the two countries. He said that the two countries are leaders in many issues, such as sustainable food production and combating desertification.

The Ambassador, the Consul and the Council of Ministers of the Brazilian Embassy.

The Spanish government’s transport and agriculture ministers talk to the host.

Ibero-American Secretary General Andrés Allamand poses with the Brazilian ambassador.

The Secretary General of the IEO and the Secretary General of the ISSO with the Ambassador.

The ambassadors of Portugal and Brazil.

The ambassadors of India and Brazil.

The ambassador poses with PP spokesman and PP MP Guillermo Mariscal.

The Director of Ceseden, Lieutenant General Ballenilla (right); and the Director of the Cultural Department of Ceseden, General Torcal, with their respective wives.

The Ambassador of Slovakia and General Director of International Relations of the City of Madrid, José Herrera.