
Arlington father and son arrested after fatal shooting that terrified Pierce County neighborhood – KIRO 7 News Seattle

LAKEWOOD, Wash. – Weeks after a deadly shooting that left their neighborhood riddled with bullets, Lakewood residents are still in turmoil.

Now a father and his son from Arlington are in custody and charged with murder.

The arrests late last week came nearly four weeks after the shooting terrified residents of a Lakewood neighborhood.

According to eyewitnesses, the shooting took place between two vehicles. At the end, one man was dead and three others, including a woman, were injured.

The police received high-tech help in solving the case. A tracking device installed in the suspects' vehicle gave the police the time frame they needed to arrest father and son.

The evidence of what happened here is still visible. Eyewitnesses say broken glass came from the targeted vehicle. And bullet holes can be seen in the mobile home, even though the person living there was inside.

“I have some in my glass windows here, this here, this here,” said Marquis Johnson, pointing to the bullet holes.

Johnson had just returned home from work when the shooting started.

“Through the front of my house here,” he said. “And over there is my sofa. So I always sit right here. This is my back corner towards the TV. So it went right through the sofa and right through the living room. Yes, while I was sitting in the living room.”

This is what it sounded like: a volley of shots aimed at a car with four occupants and terrorizing an entire neighborhood.

“We got a little closer and saw people getting out of the big truck with guns,” said a pregnant woman who was still too scared to be identified. She said she and her boyfriend were going to get ice cream.

“And then they started shooting some more,” she said. “And then we went back and left.”

It took nearly four weeks of intensive police work before Lakewood detectives were able to arrest two suspects: 41-year-old Julio Lucas and his 23-year-old son Matthew.

Investigators said they linked the duo to the shooting through an AT&T SIM card, or Subscriber Identity Module, installed in their Chevy Silverado.

The tracker showed the vehicle leaving Arlington at 2:31 p.m. on Sunday, August 25. At 5:04 p.m., the vehicle parked on Tacoma Mall Boulevard in Lakewood, where it remained for nearly two and a half hours.

Then it remained near the crime scene for three long minutes.

The vehicle drove off, sat in a parking lot in Tacoma for a few hours, and then returned to Arlington one minute after midnight.

The bullets shattered the top of Marquis' cell phone.

“As it went through the sofa,” he said, holding his cell phone, “it hit a lighter and this.”

And they have destroyed the sense of security in this neighborhood.

“It was very scary,” said the pregnant woman, who said she now feels anxious every time she leaves her home.

Surveillance video and cellphone records also confirmed the timing. Lakewood police said they did not find any of the weapons used. And they said they did not identify the other accomplices.