
Does anyone have a South African blizzard on their climate change bingo card?

No, this is not a crazy early fall storm somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere; it is an even crazier early spring storm in South Africa between Johannesburg and Durban along the N3, where over 2 meter (6 feet) of snow fell in some places on Saturday. From RBC Ukraine:

As a result of the exceptionally heavy snowfall in South Africa, roads were closed and motorists were stuck on the highways.

The N3 highway, which connects Johannesburg and Durban, was particularly badly affected. Even diversions were impassable and emergency services struggled to reach people in their vehicles in the closed areas.

“The emergency services worked at full speed all night. They tried to reach as many road users as possible,” an emergency services representative told France 24.

Buses traveling between provinces got stuck at gas stations and had to wait there for about seven hours. In some areas, up to two meters of snow fell.

According to local meteorologists, further snowfall is expected.

For comparison, this part of South Africa is about as far south of the equator as central and northern Florida are to the north. Imagine six feet of snow falling on Orlando or Tallahassee!