
Vakkaru Maldives appoints “Coconut Master”

This luxury resort in the Maldives now has its own “coconut master” whose job it is to transform the local fruit into liquid gold. Olivia Palamountain reports

Vakkaru Maldives in Baa Atoll has appointed its first “Coconut Master” to ensure the optimal use of the 2,500 coconut trees along the island’s shores and walkways.

The resort, whose name means “coconut wood” in the local language Dhivehi, has long celebrated the versatile fruit in its cuisine, spa treatments and guest experiences.

Now Vakkaru has gone a step further and hired Mohamed “Mody” Hasan to oversee the harvesting and processing of coconuts into coconut oil. Hasan, a native of the Maldives on the northern island of Kulhudhuffushi, brings all his experience to his role.

“The best part about making the coconut oil is when the grated coconut cooks over the fire and the fragrance is slowly released as it turns into small, crunchy pieces,” explains Hasan. “Many guests love the smell of the coconut oil and some even taste the warm, crunchy coconut flakes from the pan.”

The process of making coconut oil is both labor-intensive and traditional.

Hasan and his team of coconut climbers select the best fruits from around the island. He then grates the coconut flesh by hand and turns it into coconut milk before boiling it to separate the curd from the oil.The resulting pure oil is bottled and used throughout the resort, from spa treatments at Merana Spa to cooking in the resort's restaurants.

Vakkaru Maldives prides itself on its zero-waste approach to coconuts. Beyond oil production, the resort incorporates every part of the fruit into its operations.

Examples include a coconut sorbet that can be found on all dessert menus, coconut milk that is offered as an alternative to regular milk, and coconut leaves that are used in craft programs and as decoration for the villas.