
Bergen County law firm initiates #EmployersThinkPink in the fight against breast cancer

EmployerThinkPink 2024

In a powerful demonstration of corporate responsibility and compassion, Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, PC has launched the #EmployersThinkPink initiative. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the company is providing paid leave to its employees who have not had a mammogram so that they can do so. This proactive step aims to encourage early detection, which is critical in the fight against breast cancer.

Inspired by the courageous battle against cancer of its long-time employee Annette, the Teaneck-based company is committed to raising awareness of the disease and enabling early detection.

To celebrate Annette's resilience and prevent others from going through a similar ordeal, partner Garry Salomon launched the #EmployersThinkPink initiative.

Annette's journey began in 2009 with the shocking diagnosis of Stage 2B triple negative breast cancer. Despite overwhelming challenges, her unwavering spirit and the support of her colleagues at Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, PC led her to victory.

After intensive treatment at the Betty Torricelli Institute for Care at Hackensack Medical Center, Annette went into remission and has been cancer-free ever since.

Annette's experience underscores the importance of regular screenings. Had she not delayed her mammogram, the cancer likely would have been discovered at an earlier, more treatable stage. Since her recovery, Annette has dedicated herself to raising awareness by participating in Making Strides and inspiring others to make their health a top priority.

Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, PC invites all employers to join the #EmployersThinkPink movement. By offering their employees paid leave for mammograms, companies can help save lives and create a healthier workplace.