
Beware of a torment that could convert millions and afflict Cuba

Madrid/The National Huracan Center (NHC) is monitoring a tropical cycle, the Novena de la temporada, which in the next few hours can transform into Huracan and affect the western part of Cuba. In an alarming emission, it was on Monday two weeks ago that the institution had activated the Huracan vigilance for the safest Mexico (Río Lagartos, Tabasco, Tulum and Quintana Roo) and the Cuban provinces of Artemisa, Pinar del Río and Isla de la Juventud.

The highest speeds are estimated at around 45 kilometers per hour (km/h), with more than 50 kilometers. Give me a chance in the next few days until I made my way through the Gulf of Mexico and quickly convert it with a 90% probability of what happened to me.

The highest speeds are estimated at about 45 kilometers per hour (km/h), with more than 50 kilometers

The NHC explained that the location on the island extended up to 9 kilometers per hour (km/h) across the north, moving as far as the Occidental before the others moved faster northwards O hacia el Norte-Noreste between the Miércoles and the Jueves.

In terms of rainfall, the province was that the county produced an accumulation of Lluvia accumulations in the west of Cuba and the Cayman Islands, with the consequence of “flooding in the downtown and urban areas, as well as flooding in the rivers”. The time extended over the last months of the country and continued until the last four months.

In the same way, it radiates the alertness of the cyclist who could raise the sea levels up to the shore of the Pinar del Río coast, including the Isla de la Juventud.

Currently, the Instituto de Meteorología de Cuba has not published any notification on its website.