
Meloni premiata da Musk: “Le autocrazie sappiano che difenderemo i nostri valori” (quoted by Michael Jackson: “Mio prof. d'inglese”, Reagan e Prezzolini)

meMonica Guerzoni, invitation to New York

The chairman of the Atlantic Council was the founder of Tesla and Trump's financier. He: “Precious genius”. He: “Giorgia has had an incredible life, with her record of growth”

NEW YORK – A table risate e battute. And then, in the circle of friends of the Ziegfield Theater, a real and proprietary show. An emotional Elon muscle that he was the first to feel, who complimented him for the first Italian – “a man and I”, “a person he officiated”, “the most beautiful woman who faced him”, “ha fatto uncredibile lavoro to Premier, con lei l' Italy is at the peak of life – and a Giorgia Meloni electrifies just before her arrival in black Atlantic Council Global Citizen Award winner.

Below the crystal glass cinema cinema in downtown Manhattan, guests are greeted with a salad, a salad buffet, etc. Applaudono Ridendo La Leader della destra Italiana che (in English) quotes Michael Jackson, “il mio primo insegnante d'inglese” e canticchia senza imbarazzo “I start with the man in the mirror, I ask him to change his behavior.” We started with the man in his specchio, and then we changed his street. The central discussion passage with Meloni began with the American think tank to question them and present the philosophy of their governor. “When politics has its choice, be a leader or a follower, help the well-being of your population, or turn around alone on Sundays.” Good, my ambitions are led, not followed.”

Meloni's analysis is included in the article by Anthony Constantini Politico describes the “nazionalismo occidentale” that was incarnated by the FDI leader. La parola nationalismo, riconosce the Premier, richiama “dottrine di aggressione or autoritarismo” eppure lei invita a “non vergognarci di usare e difendere parole come national and patriotismo”. I said above all: “Patriotism is the best thing that resists decline”, The President of the Supreme Council has defended the values ​​of the West – democracy, freedom, conductor status – and indicates that the whole Orizzonte is in danger. He originally quoted the Conservatory director Roger Scruton, telling him: “An upset of one's own house, a crescent-shaped downfall to be broken off by force and the symbols of our civil society not entering any states in Europe.” The second is a paradox, the second of the West “Then the other side is guarded by the upper part of the bass, the other one is proclaimed superior to the old ones”.

We decided to bring an interlocutor with a less credible reputation to Sud Globale and all the Nazis in the community. “The autocracy that has proven itself all over the world has sprung from democracy – through Meloni – and tries to appear again and again on a rampart and an auto-referential fortress.” The solution? The first appearance in the Piano Mattei Paritario model for Africa.

The second part of the discrepancy insisted that the regime’s authorities made the decline of the West inevitable and “democracy failed.” It is “a bitter and malicious troll who wants to manipulate the property”, Meloni giura di voler Combattere i fan dell'autoritarismo: “Difenderemo i nostri valori”. With what weapon? The freedom and order that I read at the end of the quote from Ronald Reagan. E la difesa “delle nostre radici profonde”, But Giuseppe Prezzolini said that he would not save the future, Because it has learned the lessons of the past. In short, to better find a world that until now had gone astray, the American lesson of Giorgia Meloni is: “Trust Ukraine because it has known a world that has overwhelmed the stronger leg.”

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September 24, 2024 (Change on September 24, 2024 | 04:02)