
Hamline-Midway residents seek positive solutions to rising drug and crime rates

The Hamline-Midway Coalition, which represents more than 10,000 people in Midway, told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS there has been an increase in outdoor drug use, overdoses and crime, particularly at the corner of University Avenue and Snelling Avenue.

Coalition member Justin Lewandowski told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that neighbors are working on positive solutions to change the situation.

“We have a lot of ongoing and very pressing issues with the very visible scars of the opioid crisis. We also have a rise in crime,” Lewandowski said. “Whether it's 7:30 in the morning or midnight at night, there's a lot of open use, especially of fentanyl. We're seeing a steady rise in used needles and other paraphernalia. We've also seen a huge rise in opioid overdoses.”

St. Paul City Council President Mitra Jalali told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS the city is working with the neighborhood to improve conditions.

“A lot of this work is front-line work, preventing overdoses and saving lives,” Jalali said. “I would love to see us evolve to actually help people get into treatment programs and expand treatment capacity.”

In an email to residents on Sept. 13, a neighborhood group said St. Paul police told them, “33 people were arrested last week. Most of the arrests were related to drug trafficking. Arrests also included assault, weapons possession, outstanding warrants and trespassing.”

The Hamline-Midway Coalition will hold a town hall meeting with elected leaders from the city, county and state on October 17 to discuss these issues.