
“We’re just having a good time”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrated her nearly 50-year marriage to former President Bill Clinton, despite “dark times” during their relationship.

“I've been saying this for many years, nobody really knows what happens in a marriage except the two people in it. And every marriage that I know of has ups and downs – hopefully not publicly for everybody else – and you have to make the decisions that are right for you. And I would never tell anybody, 'Stay in a marriage, leave it,' whatever the easy answer is. And you know, for me and for us, I think it's fair to say that we are so grateful to have our grandchildren at this stage of our lives. We have our time together,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria that aired Sunday morning.

Clinton recently released her new memoir, Something Lost, Something Gained, in which she writes, among other things, how in the late 1990s, “both my marriage and Bill's presidency were in jeopardy.” Bill Clinton's presidency was rocked by a sex scandal in 1998, when the 42nd president admitted that same year to having had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Hillary Clinton did not mention Monica Lewinsky by name in her memoir or during the interview that aired Sunday. She spoke only of “dark times” that threatened her marriage or of a “very unfortunate” incident.

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Bill and Hillary Clinton attend the event

Former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton arrive for a state dinner at the White House on May 23, 2024.

“I write about how we start the morning playing spelling bee in bed. And you know, Bill is such a great player. It feels like he becomes the queen bee almost immediately. We just have a good time. We have a good time and share this life that we've had together for almost 50 years of marriage. That's the right thing for us and that's really my message,” Clinton said about her marriage during the interview.



The couple married on October 11, 1975 and will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary next year.

Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1990sBill and Hillary Clinton in the 1990s

President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton sit together during an event on health care reform.

Because of his affair with Lewinsky, Bill Clinton was eventually impeached and charged with lying under oath in federal court and obstruction of justice.

Bill Clinton with Monica LewinskyBill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky

Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky meets President Bill Clinton at the White House.

Hillary Clinton said she felt “deeply hurt” by the scandal during “one of the darkest periods” of the impeachment process, while “on the other hand” viewing the incident as a “political ploy” to force her husband out of office.

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“I almost had to have a binary view of the world I lived in,” she said of her feelings during the impeachment trial. “My reality was, on the one hand, I was deeply hurt, deeply confused, really upset and angry. And on the other hand, I knew this was a political ploy to get Bill out of office. I thought he had been a really good president, and as an American citizen, I resented that these hypocrites, who had all kinds of stories of their own about marriage and everything else, were going after him because of a very unfortunate incident in his life.

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Bill and Hillary Clinton laughingBill and Hillary Clinton laughing

President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton in the White House.

“So on the one hand, I'm trying to make a decision about my life, my marriage, my future, my child, my family that only I can make. On the other hand, I see the hypocrisy and cruelty of what these Republican members of Congress are doing, and that this is a reality that outsiders could never have understood.

“And you know, of course I've gotten a lot of unsolicited advice from all kinds of observers, but my friends – and I wrote a whole chapter there about how incredibly grateful I am to my friends – friends of a lifetime, friends, you know, who stuck by me, who supported me, who showed up at the White House during this dark time to be with me,” she said.

Source of the original article: Hillary Clinton celebrates decades of marriage with Bill after being 'deeply hurt': 'We're just having a good time'