
Hamilton murder trial begins almost 2 years after victim's stabbing death

But just before the jury entered the Butler County Common Pleas courtroom, Madden turned to the 28-year-old daughter he had with Brewsaugh and began to cry, saying, “What happened to her, I didn't mean.”

According to Assistant District Attorney Michael Hon, Madden's statement also included his statement: “I am responsible for what happened to her. I didn't mean it. I love you.”

Madden appeared to make a stabbing motion during his testimony.

MacKayla Madden and others, shocked by Madden's admission, left the courtroom and Judge Jennifer McElfresh called a recess.

About 30 minutes later, McElfresh took the stand and Madden's attorney, Lucas Wilder, said he was concerned about Madden's mental state and did not believe he should remain in the courtroom because it would be detrimental.

Madden continued to cry, and McElfresh said she wanted to make sure he got a fair trial and was given a chance to keep his composure. Madden could be taken to a separate room to watch the trial via live stream if he can't keep his composure or has outbursts, which has happened in previous hearings.

Hon was able to make his opening statements, but the defense was not. The state's first witness was MacKayla Madden, who recalled her parents' years of on-again, off-again relationship, which included much arguing.

She also told the jury what her father had said to her a few minutes before the trial began.

“I'm sorry. We had an argument. Basically, I'm the one who did it. Don't hate me. I love you,” MacKayla Madden heard her father say.