
Florida Planned Parenthood PAC endorses Joe Saunders for HD 106

The Sunshine State, the political arm of America's largest provider of reproductive health services, is behind the Democrats Joe Saunders' Attempt to push the 106th district back into the Democratic Party in November.

Saunders' campaign team announced support from PAC for Planned Parenthood in Floridaa Sarasota-based political action committee that supports abortion rights.

“Planned Parenthood PAC has endorsed Joe Saunders for state representative in the 106th House District because he is willing to fight hard for reproductive rights in Tallahassee,” said Planned Parenthood PAC’s Florida political director Michelle Grimsley Shinando it said in a statement.

“We need public servants like Joe to stand up against extremist politicians who seek to strip Floridians of their rights and advance dangerous agendas.”

Saunders, founding member of the Floridians for Reproductive Freedom Coalition and senior policy director of the LGBQT advocacy group Equality Floridamade history in 2012 as one of the first openly gay members of the legislature. He represented the Orlando region for one term. He is now running for a coastal section of northeast Miami-Dade County.

The new Republican congressman stands in his way. Fabian BasabeWHO Voting skipped on Florida's six-week abortion ban and later filed, then lifteda bill that would have banned abortions after the 12th week of pregnancy.

Access to abortion services was protected by the state for nearly 50 years until the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade overturned in June 2022, returning control of the issue to the states. Later that year, the Republican-dominated legislature Abortion banned after 15 weeks pregnancy without exceptions for rape or incest. In 2023, they passed a so-called “Heartbeat Protection Act“There are exceptions, but many women are not yet aware that they are pregnant and therefore it is advisable to prohibit the procedure after the sixth week.”

But like other states, there are efforts to enshrine abortion protection in Florida's constitution. Voters can have their say this year on Amendment 4If the measure passes with 60% approval, it will protect access to abortion in Florida until the fetus is viable or the mother's health is at risk.

Saunders said he was “deeply honored” to have the support of the Florida Planned Parenthood PAC, in addition to the recommendations of the South Florida AFL-CIOnumerous current and former elected officials and a number of employee and interest groups, including SEIU Florida, Mothers demand action And LGBTQ+ Victory Fund.

Also on the November 5 ballot in HD 106 is Saunders' aunt, an independent resident of St. Johns County Maureen “Mo” Saunders Scottwhich is something like a Defiance campaign against her nephew, but says that she is not a fan of Basabe either.

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