
Hard-fought match between Bob Jones and Florence marred by brawl – The Madison Record

MADISON – Florence kicked a 26-yard field goal in overtime to defeat Bob Jones 26-23 in a Class 7A, Region 4 clash that featured postgame fireworks at Madison City Schools Stadium.

However, the show following the hard-fought match would have been more appropriate in the boxing mile Madison Square Garden.

When the two teams began to shake hands, more than just an everyday argument ensued. In the aftermath of a game that was heated from the start, a confrontation escalated into a full-blown brawl.

There were some simple grabs, but punches and helmets were thrown, too. Coaches and players from both sides played peacemaker, trying to stop fights that went beyond a few skirmishes. Players went on the field after punches or throws, after the nearly 3 ½ hour game was marred by a total of 25 penalties. Florence had four personal fouls, Bob Jones three.

The police presence helped to break up the fight that almost flared up again after the teams split up. However, cooler heads prevailed and no further brawls broke out after police asked the teams to leave the field.

“We're just going to go back and re-emphasize discipline,” Bob Jones head coach Kelvis White said in the home team's locker room. “I mean, I know what it looks like in some ways, but we had a lot of guys trying to break up the game and some on both teams were out of control.”

Chandler Dixon scored the game-winning goal after one of his teammates stripped the ball from running back Bob Jones on the second attempt of overtime.

Bob Jones fell to 3-2 overall and 1-2 in Class 7A, Region 4. Florence improved to 2-2, 2-0.

Read about this and other games in Wednesday's print edition of the Madison Record.