
Ilona Maher tells how she stays confident even on bad days

It's Ilona Maher's year. From the USA rugby star who won bronze at this year's Olympic Games in Paris to the fan favourite on Dancing with the starsMaher somehow manages to create engaging content for her millions of social media followers every day.

Body positivity is a staple in her videos, as she constantly shares advice from her own experiences with comparing her body to others. In a recent Instagram post, Maher got vulnerable and talked about a moment of insecurity that she wanted her fans to know about.

“You know I like to be honest with y'all, so I just wanted to let you know that I'm not feeling particularly comfortable in my body right now,” she says in the video. “But that's okay, that's okay, and I know y'all are going to pump me up, I know y'all are going to pump me up, but just remember that your mind is going to play tricks on you and tell you different things.”

When the Olympian thinks about her body, there are three ways she can feel better and remember the body she has and loves.

1. Think about the function and strength of your body

Before she goes into her tips, the athlete notes that “it's hard to always love your body and think that it's just so great.”

“Even I have problems with it,” she says. But this is how she fights her negative thoughts and treats her body with grace.

“So what do I do when I get into these moods? I try to remember what my body is doing for me. [and] how strong it is.”

It's important to remember the function of your body. Respect it and encourage healthy habits without feeling like you have to punish yourself for it. This can help you change your mindset. For example, Maher reminds herself of her strength by walking, running, lifting weights, or dancing. These are all great forms of exercise. As for walking, strolling around the neighborhood has many benefits, from extending life expectancy to reducing stress.

2. Your body will change, and that's okay

There are so many reasons why you might gain weight, lose weight, lose muscle, or just “not feel good.” Maher points out that these fluctuations are completely normal and she's experiencing them herself.

“Just remember that our bodies are constantly changing and will be constantly changing for the rest of our lives,” says Maher. “It doesn't matter if we're in a different part of our cycle, if we're eating more, eating less, exercising more. I'm not exercising as much as I normally do, so my body is changing a little bit.”

Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and no matter your weight, it's extremely important to encourage healthy eating habits and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. However, if you feel like something isn't right, talk to your doctor if you're concerned about the changes in your body.

3. Give yourself some leniency

It's OK if every day isn't packed with nutritious meals, exercise, and restful sleep. Of course, these are important parts of a regular routine, but we all have days when we just want to lie in bed and eat the salty snacks we love – and that's totally OK occasionally. As Maher puts it, “Give yourself some indulgence.”

“I think it's hard for me,” Maher says. “My whole exercise routine has been thrown off.” Additionally, if you experience an unexpected change in your daily habits, that can contribute to your negative attitude. Adjusting your daily routine to make time for what you're missing – moving your walk from during the day to after dinner, delaying your lunch break, getting up earlier – can help.

Maher ends the video with one final gentle reminder: “Take a deep breath, remember that you are beautiful. It's okay if you're going through this. There will be ups and downs for the rest of your life.” Tell yourself these affirmations and know that you are not alone.