
State rests in case against man who allegedly killed pregnant woman

The number of murders is down from last year. Moderator: The state is resting in the case against a man who killed a pregnant woman in an accident while fleeing from police. The car was attached to her car with a bone tether last November. Police arrested Frank Moseley. The accident expert took the stand today and said the vehicle was doing 70 miles per hour at the time of impact. >> One second before impact, BMW is doing 78 miles per hour, no gas pedal and brake on, they put the brake on

Charges in case against man who allegedly killed pregnant wife in car accident are suspended

If convicted, Frank Mosley faces more than 100 years in prison

Prosecutors rested Tuesday in the trial of a man accused of killing a pregnant woman in a crash while fleeing police. Erin Mogensen, 32, died when a vehicle struck the side of her car at the corner of 100th Street and Capitol Drive in Wauwatosa in November 2023. Police arrested Frank Mosley, 20. A crash expert testified Tuesday, saying the vehicle was traveling nearly 70 mph at the time of impact. “One second before impact, the BMW is traveling 78 mph, no gas pedal and the brake is on,” said Milwaukee police Officer Richard Schnier, who is part of the accident reconstruction unit. “The driver brakes with such force that now the anti-lock braking system kicks in.” Surveillance video showed a person running from the scene of the accident. A witness on the stand Tuesday described what he saw the person do after the crash. “No, he did not stop. “When he jumped out of the vehicle and started running, he began to stumble, but instead of falling to the ground, he got back on his feet and kept running,” said Maurice Henderson. If convicted, Mosley faces more than 100 years in prison.

The trial against a man who is said to have killed a pregnant woman in a car accident while fleeing from the police was discontinued on Tuesday.

Erin Mogensen, 32, died in November 2023 when a vehicle struck the side of her car at the corner of 100th Street and Capitol Drive in Wauwatosa.

Police arrested 20-year-old Frank Mosley.

An accident expert testified Tuesday and said the vehicle was traveling at about 70 miles per hour at the time of impact.

“One second before impact, the BMW was traveling at 125 km/h, with no gas and the brakes on,” said Richard Schnier, a Milwaukee police officer and member of the accident reconstruction unit. “The driver braked with such force that the anti-lock braking system kicked in.”

Surveillance video showed a person fleeing the scene.

A witness described on Tuesday in the witness stand what he saw the person do after the accident.

“No, he did not stop. As he jumped out of the vehicle and started running, he started to stumble, but instead of falling to the ground, he got back on his feet and kept running,” said Maurice Henderson.

If convicted, Mosley faces more than 100 years in prison.