
Ways for mothers to celebrate the occasion

Whether it's taking a stroll in one of Louisville's many parks or going out to eat, mothers (or other parents or guardians in that role) can celebrate National Daughters Day with their children in many ways.

National Daughters Day began far away in Kentucky, but in recent years has been adopted across the United States to honor the bond between mother and daughter.

Here’s what you need to know about National Daughters Day:

When is National Daughters Day 2024?

According to the National Day Calendar, September 25 is National Daughters Day.

How did National Daughters’ Day come about?

National Daughters Day was first celebrated in India, where daughters were often less valued than sons and thus given less attention. It was introduced in the United States in the early 2000s to honor the unique bond between parents and their daughters.

How to celebrate National Daughters Day

You don't have to plan an expensive and elaborate event to celebrate this occasion. There are several ways to celebrate National Daughter Day: