
Twente met “manager” Brama at Old Trafford: “Geen schoolreisje, presteren”

Wout Brama

NOS Football

  • Thomas Markhorst

    Publisher NOS Sport

  • Thomas Markhorst

    Publisher NOS Sport

For two years FC Twente was represented in European football clubs. What are the advantages of Tukker's games, but a big phase? That's not long in coming. Tot dit season.

Twente began their Europa League campaign at 21:00 in one of the most impressive historic stadiums in Europe: Old Trafford, today Theatre of DreamsWhen Manchester United were asked by Erik Ten Hag to test the Enschedeers to achieve an important stunt.

Ervaringsdeswissene Brama gaat mee

“Great,” said Wout Brama. “A little time for the youth to meet the European upper or lower limit. That is enormously important, it cannot be otherwise.”

Brama also played for FC Twente for a long time. He was the player with the most European duels before the club (64). Internazionale, Tottenham Hotspur, Paris Saint-Germain: Brama plays in big stadiums with absolute top teams. But this is, in short, the case when he arrived at the European level.

Dat komt in this new function went out. Tegenwoordig is Brama's 'work manager' in Twente and has taken over his role as advisor for Manchester.

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“The title is a bit of a gathering name, hoor,” Brama says bluntly. “I am convinced that Ben has shown his talents. That the guys make the effort and come together before they even come to the door for the first time.”

Brama travelled to Manchester to study. Lastly, before the wedding anniversary, he received a gift in the club kitchen. “I started with the United men to protect them from the door of the game. The link is now there for me, Erik Ten Hag and René Hake.”

Both coaches had coached Brama and Ten Hag Kent was good at it. “I haven't yet coached my children to play as youths in the B1 season. He was assistant at FC Twente and also my main coach at FC Utrecht.

Until the wedding. Do you want the word to be empty in Manchester for Brama, and in such a way that it is also important for the players. Het leeuwendel van de Twente-selectie made his debut in a European city when their qualifications did not stand out. To tell you that the biggest wedding in our lives took place down to the smallest detail.

“European games agree that most games will not end in their careers,” Brama said. “This is persistent and important to help you. But in the tweed fabrics it is still a challenge to achieve the maximum yield.

Is there tension in the selection? “I think that for every wedding there is a temporary contract and that she will miss even more now. One day it is good that United is a very big club and Twente is.” “

Since it goes straight to Twente, I think of Brama. When Tukkers left him, he became the underdog for the most part. “This is very nice and can miss a piece across the borders. It's great and no schooling, we will learn how to learn naturally.”

That was also Ten Hag, who was usually spoken of by a Twente fan, but now for a final duel state. A Droomaffiche is not for the Dutch coach. “Nee, I want to give you even more joy,” said Tukker at the conference before the confrontation.

Ten Hag must even slikken toen Twente uit de koker kwam: 'Oude rande pijn doen'

After the result of Twente's matches came to a point where they were not satisfied, Brama said the man who handled most of the European duels for the Tukkers matches had to take care of Old Trafford once again to play.

The biggest stadium you can play in is the first time you play? “Vroeger was an AC Milan fan when he played at San Siro, when he left Inter Milan and was the most special for me.”