
Is this how Sonny avoids a murder charge on General Hospital?

It's only a matter of time before Port Charles police seriously consider Sonny as a suspect. General Hospital. Alexis is in Pentonville, accused of murdering John Cates, and her lawyer Martin has told her to blame the train car on Sonny. If she does that, or if they go after him for other reasons, the mafia boss will have only one way out.

Alibi, Schmalibi

Sonny (Maurice Benard) has a flimsy alibi in the murder case. Ex-wife Carly (Laura Wright) has agreed to pretend they slept together for old times' sake, but few believe that. Soon the truth may come out that Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) covered for Kristina (Kate Mansi), took Sonny's gun and went to the Quartermaine estate to kill Cates. When that happens, it will be a tangled mess and she will be the prime suspect. (Read what Nancy Lee Grahn hinted about Alexis' stay in Pentonville.)

If that happens, Sonny could decide to confess (why he didn't just hire a hitman or have Jason (Steve Burton) do it is beyond us), or Alexis could turn his back on him. Either way, he could be charged with no evidence, just his word. But Port Charles can't let Sonny go to jail for protecting the town. If that happens, Carly might have an ace up her sleeve.

READ THIS: Check out what's coming next on GH.

Brennan is the key

Carly had recently been fighting RICO charges until the audio recording showing her taking control of Sonny's organization mysteriously disappeared from FBI computers. Copies of it wouldn't work because authorities need the original for a full prosecution. The man who made it disappear was WSB agent John Brennan (Charles Mesure), who has his eye on Carly. She knows she can wrap him around her finger and make all the charges against Sonny disappear. But he'll demand something in return.

Brennan could simply ask Carly out on a date or dinner in exchange for her helping to take the pressure off Sonny. Or he wants more. She could be beholden to him and he could force her to do many things. He might want her to convince Jason (Steve Burton) to take on missions for him. Or he might want her to be his eyes and ears on the ground in town, gathering information for him as the owner of Bobbie's Diner, which many people visit.

Since things are pointing to Sonny, Brennan seems like the obvious solution. But he might be trying to get Sonny to obey his orders, which would make for an interesting story.