
Jeff Probst reveals which seasons of “Survivor” new fans should watch first

Which season of Survivors should new fans watch first? This is a question that is being asked in the world of survivors.

So far, there have been 46 seasons in 24 years and more new seasons are in the works. Fortunately, the person who has hosted each season of Survivors has just joined with his list of seasons that are new Survivors Fans should watch first.

In the latest episode of Jeff Probst's podcast, “On Fire with Jeff Probst,” Jeff shared a list of the best seasons of “Survivor” that he would recommend to fans new to the competition series.

Jeff was asked a question on the podcast by a fan named Samantha. They revealed that they had just watched Survivors 46 And Survivors Watched Season 1 at the same time as their child and tried to figure out what would happen next.

Jeff said he definitely wouldn't start with season 1 and watch until the end. Survivor 47.

“I would never watch the films in order,” Jeff told co-hosts Jay Wolff and Charlie Davis. “I can't imagine anything that cumbersome.”

Jeff suggested fans go online and read about other fans' favorite seasons, find players they like, and then work their way back to the original seasons with the returning players. He also revealed two seasons he thinks everyone will enjoy.

“There will be seasons like heroes versus villains, David versus Goliath, or seasons with Russell. [Hantz]Tony [Vlachos]trainer [Benjamin Wade]wax [Fields]Parvati [Shallow]Sarah Lacina or Boston Rob. Look for dynamic players and watch their seasons.”

That's great advice from the person who has been closest to the show for the past two and a half decades.

For me, Heroes versus villains And David versus Goliath are two classics. I don't know if I would watch them first, but they are the most exciting. It's like starting the NBA playoffs with Game 7. You'll probably never experience the high you get in Survivors if you start with those seasons. So I would go back a little further. Heroes versus villains is season 20, while David versus Goliath is Season 37. So, yeah, I would go back to the beginning and look at some of the classics with some of the most popular players in the game.

Survivor: Marquesas was Boston Rob's first season, and it's great! It was season 4. You can also watch Survivor: Pearl Islands to meet Sandra Diaz-Twine, one of the greatest strategic players in Survivors History. This is season 7. Then I might watch Survivor: All-Stars, This is season 8. From then onSurvivors will be so good!

I loved Survivors: Cook Islands, and that was season 13. Honestly, you can't go wrong with Survivor: Tocantins (Season 17) Heroes versus villains in season 20. This is how I would get into the series if I were a new fan.

Following Jeff’s point, Jay chose Survivor: Cagayan as a starting point for new fans. This season featured three Survivor legends, including Tony Vlachos, Woo Hwang and Spencer Bledsoe.

After fans were advised not to Winners in the warCharlie also recommended Survivor: Tocantins. It was an incredible season in which fans were treated to four iconic Survivors Players: Tyson Apostal, JT Thomas, coach, and Stephen Fishbach.

You can't go wrong with any of these seasons if you're a new fan of survivors. It's so interesting to look back after all these years and see how the game has changed, how television has changed, how players have evolved.

The game, even in the new era, is so much different than the first few seasons. It's almost a completely different game.

You can also simply watch the new season of Survivors, which is Survivor 47! It airs this fall on Wednesday nights at 8pm ET on CBS!