
Las Vegas police officers honored for saving woman from stabbing

Two Metro-Bolden Area Command officers are being honored for their heroic actions during a critical incident earlier this summer.

Officers Connor Bishop and Danny Ottomanelli were the first on the scene on July 25 when a woman was stabbed. Their quick actions saved her life.

“We saw a woman whose arms, head and legs were bleeding and we knew we had to do something,” Ottomanelli said.

The incident occurred at the corner of Owens Avenue and H Street. Officers were speaking with a nearby business owner when a citizen alerted them to the attack across the street. Officers immediately divided their duties, with Ottomanelli focusing on apprehending the suspect and Bishop providing medical attention to the victim.

“We both know our strengths and weaknesses,” Bishop explained. “He began the arrest while I began medical care for the female.”

Bishop, who worked as a paramedic for five years before joining Metro, said his first thought was to stabilize the patient and stop the bleeding.

“It was just kind of muscle memory,” Bishop said. “You have to make an average of 10 calls a day for five years and it sticks with you. It's a hard habit to break.”

Bishop drove to University Hospital in an ambulance and continued to treat the victim. Meanwhile, Ottomanelli tracked down the suspect at a nearby apartment complex and arrested him.

On Wednesday, both officers were presented with the Good Ticket Award by Resorts World for their exceptional teamwork. Officers recently met the victim again and were happy to see her in good spirits.

“She is in good spirits,” Ottomanelli said.

While they appreciate the recognition, both officers believe it is part of their job to expect the unexpected. They also praised the AMR crew for their quick response.

“They were there immediately,” Bishop said. “They deserve as much credit as I do for being there and taking immediate action.”

“This was unusual because we were the first to arrive with the woman who was going through the trauma she was going through,” Ottomanelli added. “And because of my partner's experience, he was able to take care of her.”

The officers were nominated for the Good Ticket Award by their command staff in Bolden.

Resorts World gave them each a two-night stay, dining credit and tickets to the show.