
Blac Chyna is accused of abuse by her ex

Blac Chyna's ex-boyfriend has accused her of abusing him multiple times during their three-year relationship.
Twin Hector has filed a domestic violence lawsuit against the 36-year-old model, alleging she physically and verbally attacked him and claiming she is prone to violent outbursts, especially when drunk.
In documents obtained by People magazine, the 27-year-old rapper, who dated Chyna from August 2020 to March 2023, accused his former partner of threatening to kill him “many times” and imprisoning him Sleep suffered a “vicious attack” in September 2021, where he suffered multiple injuries after suffering “multiple punches, elbow strikes and knee kicks to his body and face.”
Twin explained that he was “virtually blinded by the blows to his eyes” and blood was dripping down his face. When Chyna saw his injuries, she called her primary care doctor.
He stated that the doctor recommended that he see a plastic surgeon, an eye surgeon, a neurologist and a psychiatrist to treat his wounds.
Twin moved in with Chyna and her children King, 11, and seven-year-old Dream shortly after they began dating, but according to court documents, he soon discovered that she was “regularly drinking alcohol and using other drugs to excess,” and that also when she was under the influence, she became “physically violent and verbally threatening and abusive” toward him “for no apparent reason.”
He accused her of hitting, shoving, punching and kicking him, but he “always did his best to avoid the punches” and restrain Chyna because he cared for her and wanted her to get help.
The rapper claimed that the Rob + Chyna star would often not remember her attacks or apologize after she was sober the next morning.
The lawsuit added: “At no time [Chyna] Do you ever show sincere remorse [Twin] or, at his suggestion, seek medical and/or psychological treatment for their violent tendencies.”
Twin claimed that Chyna has “suffered from violence and anger issues stemming from her alcohol abuse for many years and that the primary victims of this violence and abuse are the partners with whom she has intimate relationships,” while urging her to She refused to seek help and accused him of “not mechanically following every instruction or demand from her.”
The rapper claimed the alleged abuse left him with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and severe insomnia. His injuries during their relationship included a broken nose, nerve damage, daily headaches, whiplash and deep facial cuts.
The lawsuit added: “Hopefully this lawsuit will be persuasive.” [Chyna] to get help and that no man (or woman) is above the law, especially when it comes to domestic violence.
“[Twin] I sincerely hope so [Chyna’s] Harmful acts or omissions such as those alleged in this complaint will never occur again for anyone.”
Dream's father, Rob Kardashian, previously testified in court that Chyna – who was sober for two years earlier this month – tried to strangle him with an iPhone cord, hit him with a six-foot metal rod and opened an unloaded gun judged him.
His former fiancée later claimed in court that she was just being “weird.”