
Auburn police release bodycam footage to address rumors of arrest incidents

In response to rumors and concerns circulating in the community, Auburn Police have released body camera footage from a Sept. 7 arrest on Cady Street where a man was injured in the incident.

The man, identified as Dedrick Parks, became involved when officers questioned a juvenile suspect accused of trespassing on residential property. Residents had reported teenagers trying to break into cars, and police had investigated several complaints in recent weeks without locating the suspects until that day.

According to the police statement, Parks approached the officers and asked if the juvenile was one of those who had been on his property. After confirmation, Parks allegedly approached the teen and threatened him, saying he would “smoke” him if he didn't stay away from his property.

Officers intervened by placing their hands in front of Parks to prevent him from approaching the juvenile. Parks then reportedly slapped the officers' hands away and told them, “Get these.” [expletive] Get away from me.” The officers told Parks he was under arrest and asked him to put his hands behind his back.

When Parks failed to comply and resisted arrest, a second officer assisted in attempting to arrest him. Despite repeated orders to cease resistance, Parks continued to fight. Officers then took Parks to the ground to handcuff him.

During the firing, Parks hit his head on the concrete sidewalk and lost consciousness. Officers immediately called for medical help and rendered aid. After about 42 seconds, Parks regained consciousness. He was placed in a sitting position and then walked to the patrol car to wait for medical personnel. Due to a miscommunication, medical personnel were directed to meet officers at police headquarters.

Auburn police said they released the body camera footage to clear up “many misconceptions and false statements” about the incident that were circulating in the community. They emphasized their commitment to transparency and providing factual information to the public.

“Parks was not lifted over the officer’s head, as was the case with previous statements from individual witnesses,” the statement said. “His upper body was checked by the officer. Parks was lifted from the ground to decentralize his balance and brought to a platform from which he could be controlled.”

The department clarified that its intent is not to “flip the script” on the defendant, but rather to maintain peace in the community. They reiterated their goal of ensuring public safety through honest and factual reporting of events.

The first encounter began when officers questioned a juvenile suspect after residents reportedly had video footage of juveniles attempting to break into vehicles. Auburn police had received complaints of such activity throughout the city but had not been able to locate the suspects until that day.

The police statement did not provide further details about Parks' condition or the charges against him.